Example sentences of "[noun] i [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 I now bring before you all the attitudes I now realise to be wrong .
2 As well as William I also spoke to Jim .
3 An Add-A-Plane jig and planer I normally use to thickness ¼in strips for canoe building provided the answer .
4 And on Sunday afternoon I often went to Kidlington , to eat large teas and remember another world .
5 As I was quite unable to organise the shop myself and continue with my studies at the university I quickly came to the conclusion that I would have to appoint a temporary manager .
6 Now what you want to do in the privacy of your own home in terms of art is one thing , but if I 'm using public money I really need to be able to justify it .
7 I think it 's sometimes falsely represented as being academic or being unreal or as not relating to the masses of women 's lives , and it 's out of my own experience I just want to be clear about this , it 's out of my own experience as an incest survivor , as a pornography survivor , my father worked in the porn industry , that I came to revolutionary feminism .
8 Therefore , I decided that I had the clue to something that had long baffled me , that whereas Levis 's strict division of the world into sensuous particulars and more intellectual abstractions — I hope I 'm being fair to him , I 'm caricaturing and shortening _ whereas this was applicable to the modern period , it probably was n't to the period I decided , I think , roughly before the eighteenth century , and with this in mind I then turned to the mysterious last plays of Shakespeare that we 've been talking about earlier and tried to see whether the sense one gets in those plays of love , for example , not as simply a logical construction for talking about the way people behave in relation to each other , but as some kind of spiritual entity existing prior to the human subjects in the play , whether that sense could be in some degree confirmed and explained by an investigation of the general use of universals in the period and earlier .
9 And with this in mind I then turned to the mysterious last plays of Shakespeare that we 've been talking about earlier , erm and tried to see whether the sense one gets in those plays of love , for example , not as erm simply a logical construction for talking about the way people talk in relation to each other , but as some kind of spiritual entity , existing prior to the human subjects in the play , whether that sense could be in some degree confirmed and explained by an investigation of the general use of universals in the period and earlier .
10 So Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday I fully intend to .
11 Karajan 's 1975 recording on DG is majestic , but it does n't excite me as it should , and I have to say that there are two performances I consistently turn to much more often : first , a Supraphon disc with the Czech Philharmonic conducted by Lovro von Matàcic , a rugged and unjustly neglected account which deserves a much wider circulation ( .
12 Like she was high , not on booze or pills but some of that good mellow shit that used to go the rounds at the first dinner parties I ever went to , at Liza 's place , when the world was young and lovable .
13 Stephen prefers my cooking , so for dinner parties I always go to the kitchen and help .
14 I felt preternaturally over-sexed , and despite being removed from The Fat Controller 's proximate influence I still stuck to this rule .
15 From V. D. L. I either go to Fort Philip or Sydney and from there into the interior .
16 Last year 's , th the f the first stockings I ever went to was brilliant , they had Right Said Fred live
17 The only place I really want to be is my own flat . ’
18 as if to illustrate this point I recently spoke to an angler on the Ribble and judging by the distance he held his hands apart — ’ Like this they were ! ’ — his recent catch of ’ two pounders ’ could easily have been around the 6lb mark !
19 [ 1991 ] 3 W.L.R. 790 , 855e–g , whose view on this point I respectfully prefer to that of Ralph Gibson L.J. , at p. 846a–e , despite the doubt expressed in paragraph 3.38 of the Law Commission 's Consultation Paper .
20 But it 's not , normally , a shop I just go to .
21 Only time would tell now whether it would go without mishap I just had to be patient .
22 So next day I duly went to the synagogue , rather self-conscious in my trilby hat , surprised to find women sitting in the gallery only , much impressed with the singing of the cantor and the blowing of the ram 's horn , and a little taken aback by the quick exit at the end of the fast , presumably to get back home for the first square meal of the day .
23 When I came out on top I immediately looked to starboard for the Pole Star and was rather shocked to find that it was oil the portside and we were obviously heading east , but by careful use of the engines was able to turn through 180° and the navigator gave me a heading after taking a sight from the astro compass .
24 Because if I do n't escape , if something dreadful happened , I shall still know that the person I was and would have stayed if this had n't happened was not the person I now want to be .
25 ‘ There 's an island not far from here that has just two thousand inhabitants , and last year , Nick , according to a banker I sometimes fly to Miami , those two thousand dirt poor and unemployed islanders deposited 24.3 million dollars in the one and only bank on their impoverished little island . ’
26 If I am daft enough to tackle up in those conditions I usually go to sleep and hope I wake up to a change for the better .
27 If I 'm in port on a Sunday I always go to church at Tala-Tala . ’
28 The main and very unsatisfying conclusion that I have reached may he expressed in the title I sometimes give to a lecture on the subject : " There 's something damn funny about the stratigraphical record " .
29 It was about elderly people I just wanted to be properly cared for .
30 Erm Mr Davis referred to N Y one erm in his er statement there , in the interests of saving paper I just wanted to er to state that it is included as appendix one
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