Example sentences of "[noun] i can [vb infin] that " in BNC.

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1 The File Manager obligingly scans the entire disk and lists all the files beginning with Q. I can see that the ones I want have been installed under D : \WINDOWS\QUOTE , and I can use the File Manager to look at them .
2 In my own defence I can say that everyone else got it wrong too .
3 When I drew the attention of the Leader of the Opposition to previous threats of that sort , he wrote as follows : ’ Of course I can confirm that there will be absolutely no action of this kind . ’
4 To be fair to the manufacturers I can say that most of the better filter units available have very comprehensive instructions , either on the packaging , or contained inside the box as a leaflet .
5 In any case , in the harsher bathroom light I can see that I 've put it on too thickly .
6 Having worked on interview panels with the now defunct ILEA I can say that the object has not been to block the drama school selection so much as to see that the grant is well justified .
7 ‘ In fact , if we 're busy at work I can see that having to try and explain all the complexities of the London Metal Exchange to someone who knows absolutely nothing about it is going to be a real drag . ’
8 Can you suggest a special cleaner I can use that will not spoil the colour ?
9 With hindsight I can see that I was already predisposed , given the right circumstances , to become anorexic .
10 So applying this concept to the Registration and Inspection Service I can report that since April 1991 we have introduced Guidelines for the Registration of Adult Services .
11 But , a another one they used to call a fatty I can remember that even now .
12 The only reason I can see that you need players in the first teams is to see if they are playing well enough at a high level .
13 I 'm not sure how well that would wash with some people they 're i in an area that , like yeah which was very er oppressed and where the , the warlords and the landlords were screwing the peasants I can see that there 's enough pent up er fear er and angers so that this might work but in other areas I do n't know effective this would be , that you
14 If you tell me of Sarah 's or Rachel 's or Rebecca 's nursing their children I can answer that the one drew water at a well for her father 's flocks , another baked cakes on a hearth , and another dressed savoury meat for her husband .
15 Now that I am closer to Tamsin I can see that she is more tired than I had thought .
16 In retrospect I can see that this implication can be drawn from the envelope , and I only wish I had realised it at the time .
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