Example sentences of "[noun] if he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So I got up immediately and said it would be the end of a beautiful friendship if he accused me of necrophilia !
2 I have to say though that with the terms on which we 've gone into the European Monetary System , a six per cent fluctuation either way , which as I said means from two seventy seven deutschmarks up to three thirteen ; there 's quite a lot of risk there for an exporter if he prices himself in deutschmarks and he gets it wrong .
3 Magistrates said they could disqualify him from driving and asked Elsworth if he needed his licence for his job .
4 He hardly knew the people in his own house , only to exchange a casual greeting if he met them going out or coming in .
5 ‘ It 's not my fault if he gets his head sawn off .
6 He was sure he would damage Gleeson if he saw him .
7 Frodo can see that Boromir would be ruined by the Ring if he took it , and even though he would quite like to dispose of it himself , he refuses to allow Boromir to be burdened with it .
8 They had a movie idea they wanted to try out and there was a part in it for Ken if he wanted it .
9 This session is the cause of much joshing in the Right Said Fred camp , him saying how he 'd make sure he had a hot shower first and primed himself for action if he did it again , his partners enjoying wiggling their little fingers at any opportunity and ribbing him for his perceived shortcomings .
10 John said ‘ I 'll ask the barman if he knows anything about it . ’
11 ‘ did use ( or keep ) ’ A person ‘ keeps ’ a vehicle if he causes it to be stationary on a road when not in use .
12 In Cogan and Leak , it was held that a husband could be liable for rape if he forced his wife to have sexual intercourse with a third party who was unaware of her lack of consent .
13 Through Special Branch it arranged for Inspector Lamport , of the Portsmouth CID , to visit the Sallyport Hotel two days later , on 21 April , where , in front of the astonished manager , Edward Richman , Lamport tore out from the hotel register the pages bearing the signatures of Crabb and ‘ Smith ’ , and threatened Richman with prosecution under the Official Secrets Act if he told anybody anything about the affair .
14 He will have done such an act if he does something which substantially impedes his ability to return the goods by the end of the period ( whether that be a stipulated period or a reasonable length of time ) .
15 Nevertheless , it was clear that the wisest Cambridge leaders whom he could consult would not regard his going as betrayal if he felt it right .
16 You know , with the best will in the world , Max will never give us too much help if he thinks he ca n't .
17 Marcelle promised her help if he required it .
18 ‘ Hilary Frome would fuck the school cat if he thought he 'd get a kick out of it . ’
19 That bloody young fool will only bring Sharpe if he thinks it 'll cause trouble .
20 They 're afraid that Purcell will only be refused home visits if he injures someone else .
21 But I do remember that in every room he showed me I made sure I was near to the door , the safest point of exit if he tried anything .
22 Redgrave has already won two gold medals and will become Britain 's most successful current Olympic sportsman if he wins his third .
23 At about that time , Ken asked Codron if he had anything for him .
24 The hero-god accepted the challenge on condition that he could have the girl if he rescued her , and ordered the couple to build eight large vats and fill them with rice-beer , so that when the monster arrived all eight heads could drink at once .
25 He calculated that he would be able to meet all his daily and official duties if he devoted his entire time to them , and abandoned any attempt at his own writing , but this he was determined not to do .
26 There 's not a mile of that border safe if he turns his back now , and they know it . ’
27 ‘ I said I would give him my pilot sunglasses if he gave me his weapon .
28 Mr Gergen will best serve his new boss if he reminds him of the strengths of one of his old ones .
29 ‘ The car was so badly crushed that I thought about asking the boss if he wanted it posting back . ’
30 It should not be difficult for any human being to assent to the adoption of this new creed if he compares it with what is otherwise available .
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