Example sentences of "[noun] if [pron] can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Before the tax year has ended , ask the Inland Revenue if you can still make an adjustment .
2 We can improve our ability to understand our horse if we can gradually train ourselves to observe it more intently , and to see in what situations and in what context different sounds , movements , and behaviour are used .
3 It could allow you to build an extension to give you a ground floor bathroom an bedroom if you can no longer use the stairs .
4 Err I think by the way I 've pretty much got all the the areas wrapped up in Scotland if we can just get going and we can get
5 It was just a quickie , I just wanted to read this little point that I actually think brings lots of what you 've been discussing about together , and it 's a light hearted , but it does have some relevance if I can just say it .
6 The Good Wood Guide seal of approval is a voluntary labelling system that manufacturers are encouraged to take on board if they can honestly say that they use wood from sustainable sources — so look for the seal of approval .
7 It helps if it is small , and it is also a great advantage if it can easily reach the next tree without having to climb down to the ground and then climb up again .
8 You can begin to bring someone back to the present if you can gradually get them to remember events in their life nearer to the present day .
9 Do n't get drawn into committing your supporting troops into combat if they can just as easily pin down the enemy from a distance .
10 Going to help to develop her things if she can already do it !
11 It seemed very obvious , first of all , that a country does not get rich by importing manufactured goods if it can possibly manufacture them itself .
12 Ask the lecturer if he can possibly forecast what , at least , his next lecture is to contain .
13 Do not read out your argument if you can possibly avoid it , but in any case do not mumble into your notes .
14 Research has also suggested that older people prefer not to share accommodation with their offspring in joint households if they can no longer manage on their own .
15 Relationship between trade and between members of state , strictly competition and I said I 'd be the one erm relative case , just to demonstrate the course , Lord , erm I 've usefully used the time this morning to do a , a brief aden am moire of the point , the relevant photographs and the , just in case , if I can just hand that out ena enable me to , to speed through the admission , my Lord if I can just er take the through it and apart , my Lord paragraph five is triggered by an agreement which effects trade between members of states , er in windsurfing the court considered an argument that the causes and the contested agreement which had been struck down by the commission did not forward then article eighty five because they did not have that trade between members of states , the court replied , that argument must be rejected , article eighty five does not require that each and individual cause in the agreement should be capable of affecting into community trade , community law or competition applies to agreements between undertakings which may effect member of states , only if the agreement as a whole is capable of effecting trade is it necessary to exam which other clauses of the agreement which havers there object , let's just say or , or effect the restriction of competition .
16 ‘ This theoretically realistic and humorous novel is not unlike The Waste Land , the showpiece of Modernism and Impersonality ’ — which gives the impression that the realistic and humorous can only be deemed compatible with impersonality if they can also be deemed theoretical , and that the novel may not be very funny .
17 ‘ We want to avoid a major incident if we can possibly help it ! ’
18 It would have served as a substitute-gratification for their own sadism ( i.e. , ‘ I can not retaliate against my father , but I can against my younger brother ’ ) ; but also as a defence on the part of the ego ( i.e. , ‘ I am spared the anxiety of being made the object of an attack if I can instead become the attacker ’ ) ; finally , it would also have contributed a first , rudimentary focus for the superego ( i.e. , ‘ My father is not now the attacker — I am — hence I am to that extent my father ! ’ ) .
19 But what chiefly concerns me here is simply the amount of time needed for what we know to have happened in the geological past if we can only postulate " normal processes " .
20 Shit it must be quite a little thing if it can only hear your voice .
21 His all-around ability makes him undoubtedly the favourite for the overall world cup if he can once more conquer his inhibitions at high speed in downhill .
22 In England , James Robertson ( 1953 , 1958 ) , a colleague of Bowlby 's at the Tavistock Clinic , started a campaign to persuade children 's hospital wards to admit mothers together with their children , or at least not to restrict visiting in any way ; some hospitals welcomed the idea , others resisted it , but meanwhile a Government committee was set up which in 1959 published the ‘ Platt Report ’ on the welfare of children in hospital , recommending ‘ that all hospitals where children are treated will adopt the practice of unrestricted visiting , particularly for children below school age ’ , that ‘ it is particularly valuable for the mother to be able to stay in hospital with her child during the first day or two ’ , and that ‘ children should not be admitted to hospital if it can possibly be avoided ’ .
23 Allen Watkins used to say that there was a core of truth hidden in the heart of all folk tales and legends if we can only find it amongst the accumulations which have occurred over time : the difficulty arose in finding out what it was — of winnowing the wheat from the chaff .
24 ‘ I disapprove of killing at the best of times , Ace , but , and this is vitally important , you must never kill anyone with a role in recorded history if you can possibly avoid it .
25 And I never phone unless I can erm , well you know if I can possibly avoid it I never phone at the most expensive time of day , I avoid mornings like the plague if I can possibly manage
26 But illness will not excuse disobedience to a legitimate order if you can indeed comply with what is required .
27 On HP the aircraft is yours at once , and once a specified sum has been paid to the finance company , the finance company must go to court to reclaim the balance if you can no longer keep up the payments .
28 Erm I do n't like putting people on the spot if I can possibly
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