Example sentences of "[noun] if [pron] [vb past] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , she was fond of saying that FAMILY and the women 's liberation movement were both on the same side if they did but know it .
2 Before he received any answer , the arresting policeman shut the door , warned him that he would be arrested for obstruction if he persisted and went back to the driver 's seat .
3 As to the dock company , he pointed out that no nuisance was alleged to emanate directly from its premises , that other traffic besides heavy goods vehicles uses Medway and Bridge Roads on port business and that the dock company could only be liable for any nuisance caused by the fourth or fifth defendants if it aided and abetted it .
4 I was just about to say I expect you could really make a mess if you tried and then I realized I was covered in and I 'd better shut up .
5 They were told by the police that there was reason to fear a breach of the peace if they proceeded and , when they attempted to push through , they were arrested for obstructing the police .
6 [ to PAMELA ] Own that you have been very saucy and beg my pardon and I will try to pity you , for you are a sweet girl if you had but held out and been honest .
7 A stricter interpretation , however , is that the company would be entitled not to prepare group accounts if it obtained and published the auditors ’ report required by s 248(3) ( which confirms that the company is so entitled ) but it is not otherwise .
8 ‘ I 'm sure he 'd let us go on using the park if you wrote and told him it was n't us who left the litter lying about , Guider . ’
9 There were all sorts of minor wins , for instance if you threw and your card laid perfectly along the edge of another without covering it , that was a ‘ touchee ’ .
10 But he found himself in a double bind ; the bankers said they would withdraw their support if he left and this would have killed the business instantly .
11 Never ! 'Cos I would die of shame if I retaliated and hit back ; and I would , because I 've levelled men almost as big as you before today , and you know it . ’
12 This was a smart fit of Rhyming if it had but held out ; I see you have your Poetical Concordance in your head pretty ready .
13 ‘ I do n't give a fuck if he did or did n't .
14 If you turned it into a business , you could keep six maids and gardeners if you wanted and write them off against the pigs .
15 It would be a good idea if you came and stayed with me .
16 I was promised that I could learn t I could be a nurse if I went and I went to the Bishop of Liverpool 's erm household in Liverpool .
17 However , I suggested that it would be better for her to come back after another week as this would give her time to think over all that had happened , to listen to the cassette if she wished and to continue to practise her relaxation and visualization techniques .
18 This one could n't rape a prostitute if she came and sat on his knee .
19 The same would be true to a lesser extent if I allowed and helped someone to write my life .
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