Example sentences of "[noun] if [pron] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 I 'll remember her wise words if someone ever has a heart attack while I 'm around — there 's no particular hurry . ’
2 The Department of Transport 's reply to my letter ( 12 March ) seems to have missed the general point I am making from this specific case , namely that travellers normally choose their mode of transport on the basis of perceived marginal costs ( ie the cost of petrol ) and conclude that it is a lot cheaper to use a car if you already have one .
3 It does n't give them any incentive to work if you just have everything nationalized and well cos they know they 're not gon na get sacked .
4 From there things had grown even worse , and now she felt a sensation of panic if she even had to go to the local shops , in case she encountered a sparrow or two pecking at some crumbs in her path .
5 Consolidation would be little help if one still had to look at the old repealed Acts in order to interpret the new one .
6 Q : Can I take out this Plan if I already have a Hospital Income Plan with Sun Alliance ?
7 Those two were going to give her the creeps if she really had to take them all the way to Titan .
8 She ought to refuse , and of course if she really had a boyfriend in the background , as Fen supposed , she would refuse .
9 The scheme 's pioneers hope that by making sure you know where you are on the map you could save vital minutes if you ever have to call on the emergency services for help .
10 Honing your skills like this is very enjoyable and will give you confidence if you ever have to land along a very narrow line such as a pathway .
11 Ideally , your contract will provide that you will be guaranteed receipt of the same sum net of UK tax if you unexpectedly have to pay that tax .
12 ‘ He wrecked your act with a few well-chosen words that would have slid straight off your back if anyone else had said them .
13 The reviews now being undertaken include a detailed study to see how many stations operating only an All-weather lifeboat could improve their service if they also had an Inshore lifeboat .
14 using last year 's bills as a guide if you still have a record of them ( try looking at old cheque book stubs ) , or trusting to memory , estimate how much you think you will have to pay in the coming year .
15 Or you can mix it in the bottle with the oil so it 's always handy in your pocket if you ever have occasion to use it .
16 Paediatricians at any grade are welcome to contact me for names of suitable job sharers or simply for general advice if they already have a colleague with whom they wish to share .
17 Two thirds of these , however , have a range of less than 160 km ; so the weapons could drop on the alliance 's own territory if it ever had to retreat in the face of an attack by the Warsaw Pact .
18 Try to coach the item in the correct order as it can confuse the class members if they suddenly have to put it together differently .
19 It is meant both to set out extraordinary expenditure which was how it arose but at the same time John pointed out that it might be a good thing if we also had an indication of the routine procedures and so therefore they are now set out in one document and are for your er final approval .
20 If you have room , try a boldly variegated holly such as ‘ Golden King ’ , which is female , despite its name , so should produce berries if you also have a male bush close by .
21 All are welcome no matter if you only have a small plot .
22 You must do this very thoroughly , as the picture will not be as tightly secured against the glass if it only has a free-standing photograph frame backing as opposed to the hardboard backing one uses for normal pictures .
23 It occurred to Rostov that there would be more point to the information if he also had some control over the pod 's guidance system , but at least he now knew where he was going .
24 You can therefore start at payroll , or start at personnel information if you already have a good payroll system , or just cover the planning systems if accurate personnel information is already available .
25 This package is one of the more promising packages I have seen in the Shareware market for handling home finances in the U.K. if you only have mono display .
26 In fantasy land if we ever have to replace our systems we can of course simple switch off the old one and switch on the new one .
27 He was a fervent anti-communist who could comprehend and believe that people everywhere would choose to throw off the communist system if they ever had the chance .
28 However , the altimeter was buried and no doubt if it still has not been found , someone roving round the forests with their metal detectors today will come across it and will not be able to understand what an ancient altimeter is doing there after 60 years .
29 It would be no surprise if he too had clocks set for different time zones .
30 Such courses may be of interest to you as a returner but they are not the same as re-entry programmes , and would not be recognised for the same purpose if you ever had to provide evidence of an updating course to your National Board .
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