Example sentences of "[noun] can [adv] [be] say " in BNC.

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1 Conversely , a spirit of self-criticism and renewal can hardly be said to be absent from the religious sphere when one of the problems faced by institutionalized orthodoxies has been to contain the eruption of reform and sectarian revolt .
2 That the windscreen wipers started to work can properly be said to have been caused by a set of things including the state of the wipers ' mountings and the smooth surface of the windscreen as well as the switch 's being flipped .
3 And a further principle was established — that of ‘ conflict of interest ’ , in which a manager who advises an artist to sign with his own recording and music publishing companies can hardly be said to be acting impartially , or necessarily in the best interests of his client .
4 No area of the law can ever be said to be easy but the legislation dealing with obscene and indecent publications seems to be unduly complicated .
5 There is a natural logic to such a structure in that management can reasonably be said to be about making the best use of the resources available and , to this extent , is a normal part of the clinical process .
6 Ideas concerning human nature can thus be said to constitute a human universal .
7 Of course grandiose ideas of this sort can never be said to be entirely new .
8 In fact , black holes can now be said to be really matters of science fact rather than science fiction .
9 It is true that , as the term is commonly used , a representative , as opposed to a delegate , is not mandated to speak or vote in particular ways ; but it has always been a puzzle to me to understand in what ways such a person can then be said to represent , or speak for , those who sent him/her there .
10 But any magazine that retains a nonagenarian film critic and a weekly cartoonist who has entered his eighth decade can hardly be said to be immature .
11 The Tema Russo Finale can hardly be said to go off like a rocket either .
12 In addition to the above criteria of articulation and recognition of breaches , a further necessary condition must be satisfied : actions can only be said to be rule-governed when some other alternative actions are possible .
13 As should be clear , this does not mean that Spenser was ‘ a typical Elizabethan ’ ( if such a creature can ever be said to exist ) .
14 Indeed , it is doubtful that an inanimate entity can meaningfully be said to have interests , or if it could , what they would be .
15 The pure gothic novel can safely be said to have started with Horace Walpole , the rich and eccentric son of the first Prime Minister of England .
16 Not all organizations that claim to be seeking control of the government can realistically be said to be doing so .
17 Quite obviously the playwright has largely pre-empted negotiation of this kind ; also , a theatrical performance can hardly be said to be a social interaction in a normal sense as the actor 's concern is to describe to someone outside the interaction on stage — to the spectator .
18 But Fodor goes on to argue that much of what can be said about reflexes can also be said about processes which we would normally regard as ‘ cognitive ’ rather than ‘ neurological ’ or ‘ behavioural ’ : the parsing of heard sentences , for example .
19 As the economy grew that happened , although the goal of stable real spending can only be said to have been achieved up to 1990 if the returns from privatisation are included to reduce the total — essentially a cheat .
20 Finally , there are two ‘ naturalistic ’ conductors who apparently effortlessly allow the work to unfold in a way which becomes increasingly satisfying upon repetition : Kubelik on DG ( only available as part of a highly recommended ten-CD set of the complete symphonies ) , and now Haitink , whose new BPO version can safely be said to supersede his earlier Concertgebouw version .
21 Very few English towns can really be said to have ‘ developed ’ from villages .
22 English can therefore be said to have a grammatical category of number .
23 Surprisingly she discovered that funding for both film-makers and festival organisers is proving as elusive in the larger metropolitan centres as it is here where the state of gay and lesbian film culture can safely be said to be embryonic at best .
24 The existence of the debt can only be said to be a ‘ burden ’ if the government is constrained in its use of lump-sum taxes .
25 Given their less-favoured area status , Scottish and north of Scotland agriculture can hardly be said to have contributed to the problems of CAP overproduction and the related MacSharry implications .
26 The parameters of the religious issue might have been changed somewhat by the grudging toleration granted to Protestant Nonconformists in 1689 , but the religious settlement can scarcely be said to have provided a satisfactory solution to the issue of Dissent which had been such a source of tension in Restoration society .
27 [ I ] t can hardly be said that our constitution knows of such a thing as any specific right of public meeting … .
28 Each of those ballets can also be said to have dimension and linear patterns which can be roughly described as follows : Symphonic Variations Lines are widely structured , flowing and straight rather than rounded , with no hard edges .
29 To the extent that Catholic Secondary School pupils have received the Sacraments of Initiation and are living in a community of faith , catechesis can validly be said to be a function of the Catholic School .
30 The development of computer-based public access systems to the holdings of one or more libraries , together with advances in online bibliographic searching , have increasingly led to the use of CAI programmes for user training , yet use of CAI programmes can hardly be said to be widespread .
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