Example sentences of "[noun] can [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Organizations can absorb only a small number of people with these work goals .
2 The first assumption is that each cell can accommodate only a single reach or segment of a stream , and the stream can therefore move through each cell only once .
3 Again , still pictures can provide only a limited impression of what is seen in motion , but Figs. 21.18 and 21.19 illustrate important aspects .
4 Julie Barsby argues that self-evaluation by seven year-olds can become quite a sophisticated exercise .
5 This chapter can give only a general survey , intended to place the various methods in some perspective .
6 The Committee can consider only a fraction of the instruments laid before Parliament .
7 Receiving such help can undermine further an already-fragile self-esteem .
8 Countries can have either a small or large share of world trade .
9 The machine can shoot either a single dart or a whole volley .
10 Ltd. , ( 1988 C.A. ) and , as noted earlier , sufficiently serious defects can render even a second-hand car unmerchantable .
11 The teacher can get together a small group to discuss problems .
12 The news will throw Tottenham 's future to fresh confusion and leave the club hoping desperately that manager Terry Venables can put together a deal to save them from collapse .
13 If a group can put together a package of private goods sufficient to offset the costs of joining and supporting its activities , then an organization can form .
14 Males can take either an active or passive part in this activity , and can be the active partner with a variety of objects , male or female .
15 Unless this question is taken seriously then the acquisition of literacy can become simply a more subtle means of social control and cultural denial .
16 In fact steel is exceptional in sometimes reaching strengths as high as a tenth of its calculated strength ; the great majority of common solids can show only a hundredth or a thousandth of what theory indicates .
17 Since a rise in interest rates can cause quite a severe fall in the price of bonds , banks could make a considerable capital loss if they were forced to sell them at such times .
18 Instead we assume that each store location in main store can hold either an instruction or a piece of data ; this does not , of course , preclude the possibility of distinguishing these two cases at any particular time , either by segregating instruction areas from data areas , or by marking store locations in some way .
19 Although , at first sight , these look fairly primitive ‘ abilities ’ , the fact that a microcomputer can obey quickly a large number of instructions consisting of a combination of these features enables most of the ‘ talents ’ described on page 22 to be made available .
20 Just helping them into a chair can cause quite a lot of bruising .
21 Given the right circumstances , unattended emotional debris dating from our past can prove quite a stumbling-block .
22 There is usually a square grid of lines on the backing , which makes it easy to cut it in straight lines , and a small roll can cover quite a few items .
23 An appreciation of these complexities will indicate how involved and unexplored the phenomenon of deixis really is and how the philosophical approaches to indexicals can handle only a small proportion of these problems .
24 I think it 's , it really begins in the home , this , because mothers can do quite a lot in not educating their own sons to think of them as servants .
25 I think — it really begins in the home this because it 's — mothers can do quite a lot in not educating their own sons to think of them as servants .
26 Friends can come quite a long distance to have Sunday lunch with you , whereas for an evening dinner , there probably would not be enough time .
27 ( This first turn can take quite a bit of time while the game gets under way ) .
28 If Snakes of the World can cure even a few readers of their phobia , replacing terror with admiration , it will have achieved its purpose .
29 So the same hardware can provide both a " multiply " and a " multiply-and-add " instruction , depending upon whether or not the initial partial product is zero .
30 According to the report , CFCs can have both a warming and a cooling effect ( through ozone depletion ) on the atmosphere .
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