Example sentences of "[noun] say that [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 I think I must have been gradually going off into a faint when I suddenly thought of mother reading the telegram saying that I had been killed in action .
2 A young soldier said that he had a warrant to search the house .
3 The man standing by my side said that he had seen them behind the terminal .
4 Dr Tydeman said that he had only once seen a patient suffering from the condition and he found it particularly frightening and disturbing .
5 Dr Tydeman said that he had managed to persuade medical companies to donate £15,000 of equipment so far , and he was expecting double that amount to follow .
6 The Head of Department said that they had already started to implement the recommendations to them .
7 Cheney said that he had dismissed Dugan , who had held his command for only three months , because he had violated standing orders on the public discussion of military operations and had showed " poor judgment at a sensitive time " .
8 The association said that it had heard of several cases in which EHOs had ordered unacceptable action from wine and drinks wholesalers under the 1990 Food Safety Act .
9 Gorbachev said that it had been an " event of enormous importance for our bilateral relations and in the context of world politics " and that one could now speak of a " new phase of co-operation " between the USA and the Soviet Union , describing Bush as " the kind of person to do business with " .
10 The witness said that he had not been present at the meeting and had agreed that what was said then would not be recorded .
11 CW said that we had only just discovered how inefficiently the network had been set up by the previous company , and that the speed would be substantially improved by the network upgrade .
12 Most of the ‘ masters ’ of torture said that they had been fighting a desperate unseen war , whose atmosphere could not be imagined by people from democracies .
13 Gerry Wills , the Frampton Rovers manager , gave me a ring to say that he had a proposition that may well be to Athletico 's advantage .
14 However , he telephoned from Kigali on Saturday to say that they had been taken out through the area in which the fighting had taken place without mishap .
15 Poshekhonov said that he had found the way to laugh , he had picked up the spear of ridicule .
16 And Anjelica Huston returned to her own home saying that she had been humiliated for the very last time .
17 The MNR responded with a statement issued in Nairobi saying that it had accepted the mediators ' invitation to direct talks but that Chissano was delaying " to extend his time in power " .
18 A fortnight after being made a minister , this raconteur said that he had joined the Labour Party simply to make sure that ‘ they did nothing too silly ’ .
19 In a communiqué issued after negotiations in Kiev on Jan. 11 , Russia and Ukraine said that they had agreed to implement international arms control agreements .
20 Referring to Saadi 's dismissal , Menem said that it had been decided to " extend federal government intervention to the executive and legislative branches of Catamarca province " .
21 In a written statement , Khumalo said that he had organized the transfer of the covert funds , claiming that he had deliberately kept the source of the funding from Buthelezi because " I knew he would have rejected the proposal out of hand " .
22 After an unscheduled meeting with President Hafez al-Assad of Syria on June 3 , Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said that they had discussed the Damascus Declaration and Iran 's attitude to it .
23 The council said that it had deposed the President , abolishing his office , and had suspended parliament pending new elections .
24 To her amazement he took this like a lamb , and then had the effrontery to say that it had been a pleasure working with a businesswoman like her , and if there was anything else he could help her with , she only had to ask !
25 Observers from the US National Democratic Institute said that there had been " serious problems " , that voter registration was incomplete , that registers had not been open for inspection , and that Biya had been allocated 142 minutes of coverage on the state-owned television service between Oct. 7 and polling day , while the six opposition candidates shared only 12 minutes .
26 Peugeot said that it had lost production of 49,000 cars as a result of the strikes .
27 The Judge said that he had stolen Lady Margaret 's ring , and that she had only bought it that day and the ring was a very expensive diamond .
28 ‘ It is sufficient to say that in Maskell v. Horner Lord Reading C.J. , referring to these authorities , and in particular to the advice given by Willes J. in Great Western Railway Co. v. Sutton — where that learned judge said that he had ‘ always understood that when a man pays more than he is bound to do by law for performance of a duty which the law says is owed to him for nothing , or for less than he has paid , there is a compulsion or concussion in respect of which he is entitled to recover the excess by condictio indebiti , or action for money had and received ’ — said that ‘ such claims made in this form of action are treated as matters of ordinary practice and beyond discussion . ’
29 The Girl said that they had been so kind and welcoming ; food all served to them and very good , too , and such comfortable bed-chambers for their use .
30 One girl said that she had been unable to breathe , and was only able to do so when she covered her face with a pillow .
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