Example sentences of "[noun] will [verb] [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The debate is now focused on what the United States will do next time , if anything , to fulfil its declared policy of getting rid of General Noriega and avoid an image of timidity and indecisiveness when the chance comes .
2 Nevertheless , the CBI , backed by the gloomiest forecast on output from its member firms in two-years , predicts that growth in investment will stagnate next year and unemployment will cease to fall .
3 His decision on whether to release Gilmour will come next month .
4 HISTORIC Scotland will move next year to new headquarters at the former Longmore Hospital in Salisbury Place , Edinburgh .
5 It 's expected work will start next year , with the first trains going through in another 2 years .
6 Indeed , many were beginning to doubt whether it would ever get off the ground but news that work will start next week will provide fresh confidence and eagerness to see what develops .
8 If successful , full scale testing will commence next year , assuming that the price of crude oil remains at a high enough level to encourage research into alternatives .
9 They say that supermarkets will overestimate next year 's requirements and then force farmers to discount .
10 Six new publications focusing on various aspects of the new gallery will appear next year , written by members of the museum staff .
11 The counter-attack will begin next week in the office of Giles Shaw , under-secretary at the Department of the Environment .
12 A distributed computing profile will follow next year , based upon the Open Software Foundation 's Distributed Computing Environment technology that X/Open recently endorsed .
13 Wednesday 's injury crisis will ease next week when England striker David Hirst starts his comeback from a cracked ankle .
14 Christie 's agent was unaware of the race last night but the sprinter announced on Friday he was shelving plans for a £250,000 race against Carl Lewis and — as Super Sport forecast last month — the clash will place next year .
15 The Equal Opportunities Officer is now in post and it is anticipated that costs will reduce next year .
16 The organisers hope the unofficial event will emulate last weekend 's annual rugby sevens tournament .
17 HONG KONG will announce next week a £3–5 million experimental pay-as-you-drive scheme for taxing the colony 's 300 000 motorists .
18 LIVERPOOL will play first division Birmingham City at St Andrews in their first pre-season game on July 28 .
19 If they continue to share Andy 's interests the trouble will come next year when the centre run their first trip to Japan and everyone will want to go .
20 The federation believes that 53,000 jobs in engineering will disappear next year — a fall of 2.5 per cent — with mechanical and electrical engineering and the car industry the worst affected .
21 The £60 million resignalling programme for work between Liverpool Street and Southend Victoria will start this year and signalling work in the Chelmsford area will commence next year .
22 Home security systems I have to say that home improvements is the most likely jeep er leap that people will take first time
23 I can confirm that the new Networker turbo class 165 trains will be in service in the May timetable this year — that will bring an improvement of the service on the Thames line — and the Networker express class 166 trains will arrive next year .
24 I do not guarantee that this method will work first time and it would be wise to practise first .
25 Payton will miss Second Division promotion clashes at Swindon , today , and against Cambridge United , at Ayresome Park , next Saturday .
26 Prologue to an era Perth Theatre 's new director is keen to build on its success , writes Allen Wright Among the traditions he is determined to uphold is Perth 's grand pantomime , to which Walter Carr will return next Christmas
27 Among the traditions he is determined to uphold is Perth 's grand pantomime , to which Walter Carr will return next Christmas .
28 RECENT headlines proclaiming that house prices will leap next year have brought cheer throughout Britain .
29 BUILDING work on Edinburgh 's new international conference centre will begin next month following the signing of a £38 million contract yesterday .
30 A European distribution strategy is still being put together according to Univel 's international marketing director , Greg Fallan , though existing Novell distributors and resellers will get first refusal .
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