Example sentences of "[noun] which i [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 The chapter on Annapurna contains several images which I felt were well below the overall standard .
2 ‘ The impact on me ’ , recalls Pearce Marchbank , ‘ was blowing away all that love and peace shit which I thought was bollocks and complete pretence .
3 And I do n't where I got I gave him quite a good sermon which I thought was y know quite erm to try and help the situation and he said I 'd give them er my conditions .
4 When I was n't with the animals I spent hours playing with my favourite toy , a large piece of wood which I pretended was our horse , Dicks .
5 For one thing Harlow is the sort of town which I 'd been agitating for both before and after the war whenever I was speaking on behalf of the Labour Party both at street corners and at public meetings on the type of life we vis envisaged for a normal person in the land .
6 So having gone there I got counselling which I found was very useful to me .
7 Upon receiving a degree which would allow me to undertake research , I turned down a place which I had been offered to study theology , and went to Oxford .
8 It so happened that Hugh was the man who had been producing Tony Newley and he said to me after listening to those tracks that this was the most exciting thing to come into his room since Tony Newley which I thought was quite amazing since , some time later , David was quite infatuated with the work of Newley .
9 ‘ It was then I decided to find a product which I thought was marketable and start marketing it , ’ he said .
10 So I had stuff which I knew was good , but that did n't quite fit the group because the tunes needed to be more orchestrated .
11 Getting taken to the doctors and getting needles stuck in you erm things like um being fed cod liver oil , things like being hit for doing things which I thought were quite legitimate like pruning my mother 's geraniums and stuff like that .
12 I took a drink from one of the twenty-four plastic gallon containers which I had been collecting for two years .
13 So you know there were erm lots of little things like that erm in the layout of the flats which I thought were n't er well they just were n't practical .
14 I put on my shoes and jacket which I had been asked to take off and told the doctor I would visit her another time .
15 See the trouble , the trouble which I found was it was difficult trying , you know , it 's not about dream con you know it 's not about
16 She , Bambi , Nell and the Youngs made their way past me without looking at me and continued on along the corridor beside the kitchen , going to inspect the revised quarters which I knew were in the sleeping car forward of Filmer 's .
17 The most professional approach which I had was in fact via an intermediary who was acting on behalf of an existing customer of the company who employed me and whose objective was to sound out general interest without disturbing the importance of on-going business relationships .
18 I had only recently begun to walk much without a stick — however — after much midnight practice to a ‘ pop ’ record I did manage even the backward steps without a wobble which I felt was the least I could do as I was representing MEDAU ! .
19 I mean , when I think I was with my bags and things and he went , Jo , the message has gone through , everything 's fine I went , your sister , I relayed that little message which I thought was which I thought was rather comical , you see , and I said , oh did you , and he said yeah .
20 Certainly the reading content of the recommended book for Class 2 in Sierra Leone which I saw being used with very young children in Freetown schools is far above the average reading level one might expect for six-year-olds in London who speak English , not Creole , at home .
21 My flight path ended on a small ledge , my hands still grasping Olympus camera which I had been cradling for all my worth , regardless of the blows striking my body from every angle .
22 Even people who managed to stay married seemed to do it only by making incredible compromises which I thought was contemptible . ’
23 Bill : I do n't know if anybody feels they have , but this is a thing which I felt was central to the gay movement of the seventies and I think I would go so far as to say that I assume that most of my close friends feel , like Mark , that it 's fine to have special relationships but it is n't fine to have ones where you are n't allowed to have anything else and also that there 's nothing more deadly to a relationship when you are trying desperately not to have it off with anybody else because you feel guilty about it .
24 The old man sat up with a jerk , slopping scotch over his hands which I noticed were shaking .
25 Lewes has only had a mayor or two for a hundred years , and so its ceremonial is somewhat new , but one was able to draw on the traditions in places like Rye , where it goes back to the thirteenth/fourteenth centuries , and erm I used some of the phraseologies out of sixteenth century Rye documents and so on in my Lewes mayoralty on these sorts of ceremonial occasions , and introduced some of the ceremonial which I knew was authentic to mayoralties elsewhere in Sussex .
26 erm Lewes has only had a mayoralty for a hundred years , and so its ceremonial is somewhat new , but one was able to draw on the traditions in places like Rye where it goes back to the thirteenth , fourteenth centuries and erm I used some of the phraseologies out of sixteenth century Rye documents and so on in my Lewes mayoralty on these sorts of ceremonial occasions , and introduced some of the ceremonial which I knew was authentic to mayoralties elsewhere in Sussex .
27 I reached for The Mayor of Casterbridge which I knew was somewhere in the bed .
28 The other criteria I I I I tend to agree with are matters which are capable of being weighing and balancing against each other and they are not overriding , but I think those three matter which I specified are overriding and would rule out any location .
29 I remember the smiles of delight which spread across the face of one mother when the little fleshly alarm clock which I had been handed , went off at the crucial moment .
30 He said about a , a free gift as the first thing and then he said about made enquiries of others which I thought was almost er er a , a way there of saying well , you know , oth other people more or less recommend Friends Provident .
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