Example sentences of "[noun] which be to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Equally with a sensation , saying ‘ by ‘ pain ’ I mean that ’ will only achieve the desired effect if we have some means of separating characteristics which are to be relevant from those which are not .
2 In the afternoon , he goes to the farm to grade animals which are to be sold by computer auction ; his information is fed into a computer on auction day ; buyers can bid by tapping into their computers .
3 ( 11 ) Where the bidder proposes to issue consideration shares , loan stock or debenture stock which are to be listed it may need to prepare listing particulars ( see para 17.1.3 below ) .
4 By taking the set of compounds which are to be used and replacing each word within the compound by its corresponding root-index the storage requirement is drastically reduced .
5 At the same time as Shirley Williams ( Secretary of State for Education in the Callaghan administration which was to be defeated in the General Election of 1979 ) was conducting the ‘ Great Debate ’ , inspectors from her Department were beginning a process of evaluation of the nation 's schools .
6 ROOT_PACKAGE_DETAILS — is an input parameter specifying the details of the root package and any sub-packages which are to be generated .
7 It reiterated its refusal to join de Klerk 's " unilaterally called " conference on violence which was to be held in Pretoria on May 24 and 25 .
8 Speaking at Hull on 6 June Stafford Cripps outlined the new tactics which were to be followed by the Unity Campaign Committee .
9 This all-time low was worsened by news of Lance Henly 's death but the much-loved man had bequeathed his gold watch to the Club which was to be held by the winner of the Lovell Bowl .
10 A charming Chinese member of staff greeted us and took us from the airport to Robert Black College which was to be our home for four months .
11 It 's all part of the PE programme which is to be introduced onto the National Curriculum for the first time .
12 A person 's previous research experience will obviously determine the level of research which is to be begun .
13 The tasks will be clearly defined by the tutor and the tutor will provide instruction in the methodology which is to be used in carrying out the investigation .
14 At their meeting in either 1749 or 1750 , Christopher Smart accepted this task from Richardson ; however , he delayed writing the piece which was to be printed in the volume .
15 Checking of relationships which are to be indicated under each of the terms .
16 Those who were now beginning to pay lay subsidies might think about that wealth and this statute , particularly about its words contrasting the defence of the realm with the endowment of the church — words which were to be echoed by Wyclif in the 1370s and in a royal grant as late as the 1440s .
17 She was sitting up in bed learning the chant which was to be tested the next day .
18 A curriculum is a state document establishing the subjects which are to be studied at a school of a particular type , their distribution by grades ( years ) and the number of academic hours per week and per year given to each subject .
19 A city 's Academy typically funded its Salon , chose the pictures which were to be exhibited , and awarded medals to prizewinners .
20 A number of demands which were to be raised by the civil rights movement were taken up by the manifesto .
21 But it was sent to the National Security Council and in the meantime Secretary of Defense Johnson , according to the internal ‘ History of the Indo-China Incident ’ prepared for and by the Joint Chiefs of Staff , had called upon the NSC to determine exactly how US security was threatened by the current situation in the Far East and to formulate tentative courses of action which were to be co-ordinated for the whole region and were to outline specific objectives to be attained .
22 Thus the hobelar , a form of light horseman , came to provide the mobile and versatile force which was to be characteristic of so much war on the Anglo-Scottish border in the early fourteenth century .
23 It will later this week reiterate its opposition to the break-up of the two-tier structure of regions and districts which are to be replaced with single-tier councils .
24 Hence if the construction of the building which is to be the catering premises shuts out light to the adjoining premises it thereby infringes the rights of the neighbours and gives rise to a cause of action for contravention of their easement of light .
25 It is not those coins and notes which are to be handed over .
26 The British Academy of Film and Television Awards are seen as an early pointer to the Oscars which are to be announced in Hollywood on 29 March .
27 Effective measurement requires detailed knowledge of the properties of phenomena which are to be reflected or mapped on to some mathematical system .
28 However , charges subsequently set by individual local councils were almost without exception in excess of this level , and on March 21 Chris Patten , the Secretary of State for the Environment , stated that the average actual charge for England had turned out to be £363 ; he blamed this excess principally on the actions of Labour controlled councils ( and announcements on April 3 and 10 listed a total of 21 local authorities which were to be " capped " — i.e. their expenditure limited to a level determined by the central government ) .
29 One consequence of this discontinuity is a difficulty in identifying the prestige forms which are to be placed at the ‘ standard ’ end of the continuum .
30 ‘ It fails to meet the central question in Scottish politics which is that any change which is to be meaningful must involve the transfer of political and legislative authority from Westminster to a parliament elected in Scotland by Scots .
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