Example sentences of "[noun] which be [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For instance it buys up stock which is nearing its redemption date , so as not to have to make large repayments over a short period of time .
2 The two leaders will meet again at the end of January , and later to sign a treaty on co-operation and good neighbourly relations by next spring which is to cement what is being described as a ‘ Treaty-based relationship . ’
3 When the bailiffs broke into the second bedroom which was locked they discovered a pump action shotgun , sub-machine guns , pistols , German daggers and uniforms .
4 A Rover spokesman said , ’ It is the German manufacturers which are forcing everyone else to follow suit just as the Germans forced catalytic convertors on the market as the answer to emission problems when most other manufacturers were developing lean burn engine technology to achieve the same result more effectively . ’
5 And it was those waves which were to carry him , steadily and inexorably , to a far-distant grave .
6 AN ANIMAL SOUND , like a bull in tumescence , was intruding in the helmet , a yowling , roaring noise , audible even above the roar of the engine behind my shoulders and the rush of wind which was buffeting them .
7 The worst thing was having to climb that damned ladder to the roof of Flying Control in a howling gale and lashing rain , to see how far I could n't see across the air field and to estimate the strength of the wind which was doing its best to dislodge my desperate hold on the railing .
8 He looked up into her wide blue eyes which were scrutinising him intently over the mug of tea which she was holding with two hands .
9 Robertson , who has spent time labouring and more recently teaching in Europe to finance his playing career , is now attached to Castle Eden and Peterlee golf club which is allowing him to concentrate on playing local professional events .
10 In the morning providentially we set off for the frontier , and there to my great delight I saw the familiar face of Mr Derrick Robinson , Rhodesia 's Assistant Commissioner of Police , standing beside a BMW motor car which was to convey me to Salisbury .
11 They were all in their second year at the college which is celebrating its centenary .
12 There 's something in the back of me mind which is saying there should be a figure there .
13 Sebestyen recalls wanting ‘ to counteract the aesthetic of technologised murder which was filling our TV screens ’ .
14 I did indeed want ‘ to counteract the aesthetic of technologised murder which was filling our TV screens ’ .
15 ‘ The Government is trying to promote small businesses and to cut out some of the bureaucracy and red tape which is strangling us . ’
16 This will enable us to put the spotlight on those inner city LEAs and schools which are failing their pupils .
17 We look forward to a generous settlement in a few weeks ' time when he might deal with the London Regional Transport anomaly which is afflicting us as Members representing outer London .
18 This experience appeared to transform him and he threw himself into a great surge of composition , writing a Mass of Thanksgiving for unaccompanied choir filling 100 pages of manuscript , which he completed in 15 days , as well as other works , including a setting of Out of the Deep which is given its first performance by his choir at St Philip and St James , Cheltenham , at his funeral on today .
19 And if recent reports are anything to go by it was n't only aircraft which were paying their respects to Parham yesterday .
20 There are , however , hints in The Middlemen of the modes of narration which are to replace what is so brutally disposed of at the end of the tale .
21 It is a highly irresponsible action which is putting our royal family at risk . ’
22 A stop gate provides protection as the canal approaches the aqueduct which is to carry it across the River Tame ( Feb 83 guide ) and between a sewage works and an electricity substation .
23 The third film in this three-picture deal which was to bring him ‘ more money than he thought there was in the world ’ was The Robe .
24 He also started the city 's silk industry which was to underpin its economy for many years .
25 I have a problem with my marine fish — in particular with a Regal Tang which is scratching itself against the tufa rock .
26 Ten miles away on that December evening , Walter Schellenberg lit a cigarette in the back of the Mercedes which was speeding him towards the castle .
27 When Strawalde freed himself of the constraints of narrative painting he became the father of sensuous abstract art in the DDR and now , in his sixties , is finally receiving the international recognition which was denied him before the Wall came down .
28 Those lenders who have announced their new rates are the Skipton which goes up from 13.4 per cent to 14.65 per cent ( 14.9 for higher risk lending ) from Monday and Stroud and Swindon which is putting its rate up by 1 per cent to 14.5 per cent immediately for new borrowers and from 1 November for existing loans .
29 King James continued in the series of follies which were to lose him his throne , including the consecration of a papal nuncio in St James 's Chapel , the replacement of Protestant officers by Catholics in the army , and the creation of an Ecclesiastical Commission with wide and illegal disciplinary powers .
30 The birds proved to be merely the lure which was to draw us into ten years of adventure through a land of waking dreams .
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