Example sentences of "[noun] which [pron] have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was also a revelation to see the wildlife — birds and animals which I had only seen in Zoos were free for me to enjoy .
2 A difference of one thousand one hundred in the base dwellings stock which I 've not discussed and do n't propose to go into .
3 Now it was that I had a chance of discarding or of adapting to my own purpose the fine words and infinite variety of constructions which I had formerly admired from afar off and imitated in fairly cold blood .
4 The letters gave him the chance of ‘ discarding or of adapting to my own purpose the fine words and infinite variety of constructions which I had formerly admired from afar and imitated in fairly cold blood . ’
5 As appears from the chronology which I have already recited the purpose of the December charge being executed in favour of the mortgagees was simply to replace the defective charge that had been given in September .
6 Zen sat down on the large sofa which occupied most of one wall , thinking about that last card which he 'd fondly thought he had up his sleeve .
7 There was some shrapnel in one of his legs which they had never been able to get out .
8 He said he felt no pain , apart from injections which he has never been fond of , and when he came round from the operation the first thing he asked for was the Ipswich football scores and a drink .
9 Opponents of the Government have criticised the policy because it makes unions responsible for disruption which they have not organised and in some cases may oppose .
10 When she had aimed the bottle at Gazzer 's head , years of pent-up hurt and frustration had spilled over into violence : violence which she had previously directed against herself or had lived through only in her mind .
11 In your text book you 've got quite a lot of information in there about reinforcing , what we 're going to do in the practical session and it 's always a help I think when you have a lot of the , thrown at you to know that you can just put it up and there it is if you get a bit confusing or ca n't remember what 's what , so on page one six nine it starts telling you all about nursing and bandages and general hygiene which we 've already talked quite a lot about but it 's very useful for you to know , you can go there and look , and if you just go through the pages from there on one seventy , one seven one , one seven two , one seven three and then on one seven four it 's got the general rules for applying bandages apply bandages when the casualty is sitting or lying down , you always sit your casualty down and you work from the front of , I say why do you work from the front of the thing ?
12 She mentioned a concoction which I had never encountered before .
13 There was a bank of salmon traps over at Clapton which he had n't visited for ages .
14 Thompson v. Robinson was distinguished also in Lazenby Garages v. Wright ( 1976 C.A. ) where Mr. Wright refused to accept a second-hand car which he had previously agreed to buy for £1,670 from a car dealer .
15 We can allow for this effect by dropping the two from the strength equation which we have just derived , bearing in mind that we are in no position to quibble about exact values .
16 Totally negative approach , of course if you start to do a programme which we have n't been involved in some mistakes will be made but we should be positive and look forward to see how we can avoid the mistake we 've been making in the future .
17 The use of anthropology which we have already noted can be called historical .
18 ‘ is a matter of confidence between him ( the Home Secretary ) and the judiciary which we have not sought to breach because such consultation truly lies in my view within the realm of confidence , i.e. privilege .
19 Shortly before this stage — around the tenth year but with a wide variability — the hypothalamus , a small area at the base of the brain , somehow " triggers " a small gland just below it ( the pituitary gland ) into producing two hormones which it has not previously produced .
20 As she could hear Jack coming down the stairs she returned to the kitchen and picked up the metal spoon and plunged it into the saucepan which she had not yet put on to heat .
21 For what I have done I will answer , but not for murder which I have not done . ’
22 panicked by the snow which he had n't been expecting , he threw everything over and he had a job finding it all on the other side .
23 That the dominions which he had so laboriously assembled fragmented upon his death ( indeed , his position in Norway had collapsed before it ) is a pointer to Cnut 's abilities , and of how individual , and hence transitory , political achievement could be .
24 On the questionnaire , we exhaustively listed the kinds of changes that had occurred in the case study schools and in the schools which we had earlier visited , and asked teachers whether any of these had occurred in their school .
25 We now come to the second part of our programme , according to our agenda , which has the broad heading , Achiev N C V O Achievements and Intentions , and it 's obviously a natural follow-on from the I er , A G M which we have just completed , at which council received the annual report of N C V O's work for the past year , and its use of the resources which are available to it to carry out that work .
26 Well , in fact I did n't know , not for certain , but I could n't see any signs at all of brassière straps or elastic waistbands which I had n't been able to help noticing on all other women .
27 He then referred to a passage from the judgment of Nolan J. in Anderton v. Lythgoe [ 1985 ] 1 W.L.R. 222 , 228 , including the words which I have earlier cited .
28 In preparing this report they must carry out such investigations as will enable them to form an opinion on ( a ) whether proper accounting records have been kept by the company and whether proper returns adequate for their audit have been received from branches which they have not visited and ( b ) whether the company 's individual accounts are in agreement with the accounting records and returns .
29 I felt that some dreadful punishment had been visited upon me , punishment for a crime which I had never committed .
30 Everyone is going to be given er or lent er one of these er eating knives which we had specially made .
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