Example sentences of "[noun] which [verb] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Although hibernation can be dangerous and some creatures never awaken from it , it is less lethal to the animals which opt for it than the rigours of a harsh winter would be .
2 People learn to use the tactics which work for them .
3 In part the debate has been presented as an opposition between a broadly liberal programme — multiculturalism — and an antiracism which claimed for itself the mantle of left radicalism ( Dodgson and Stewart , 1981 ; Mullard , 1984 ; Troyna , 1987a ; Gill and Singh , 1987 ) .
4 In that case the necessities which account for what is constant in foreign policy are those of the conceptual logic of the explanatory theory .
5 Wherever we travelled amongst the islands we would collect rare and exotic shells which became for us like fragile clues in a paper-chase of changing life-forms as we moved across historical as well as zoographical boundaries .
6 This is not simply an incautious and unconsidered statement by Mr Baldwin , a slip of the tongue : it is the settled and deliberate policy of the governing class , who have entered upon a course of action which has for its object the deliberate intensification of unemployment as a method of forcing down wages .
7 If it is a technique which works for you then by all means use it .
8 ‘ ( The European Parliament ) … considers that , in the absence of palliative care correctly provided at both psychological and medical level , each time a fully conscious patient insistently and repeatedly requests an end to an existence which has for him been robbed of all dignity , and each time a team of doctors created for that purpose , established the impossibility of providing further specific care , the request should be satisfied without thereby involving any breach of respect for human life . ’
9 A different form of control liability will , however , apply if the dominant undertaking — whether or not a shareholder — has formalised its relationship with the public company concerned by a control contract which provides for it to manage the company and in which it offers the minority shareholders a buy-out or , at the shareholders ' option , to pay them an annual protected dividend .
10 Psychologists theorizing about animal Umwelten need to ask what such inferences might be , what is the perceptual evidence in which the animal 's concepts are anchored , and what are the motor activities which test for them or which are carried out on the basis of conditional tests defined in terms of them .
11 It is characterized by bargaining over indicative or strategic plans which depend for their success upon voluntary co-operation between elites who are capable of withdrawing from any bargains struck ( Shonfield , 1965 ; Crouch , 1982 ) .
12 Moreover , Arabic tends to use a relatively small number of conjunctions , each of which has a wide range of meanings which depend for their interpretation on the context , thus relying heavily on the reader 's ability to infer relationships which are only vaguely alluded to by the writer .
13 However , this is to mistake not only the demanding nature of current practice but also the non-punitive knowledge , skills , and values which provide for its success .
14 If she responds favourably to this ( which , if you are wise , you will have conveyed more through your attitudes than your actual words ) , you and her other helpers should try to create various circumstances or events which may stand a chance of helping her to break the habit of mourning : an interesting holiday , perhaps , or some new and mildly challenging experience which calls for her to look beyond herself to someone else in trouble , who will make her feel ‘ needed ’ .
15 God could so easily say that , too , but he does not ; he negotiates from a basis of weakness which becomes for us the power of God unto salvation .
16 This latter is the product of teaching which uses for its arbiter of right and wrong , contentious standards which have been produced from long established religions which in turn claim to have mystic knowledge of right and wrong supplied by some extraterrestrial and undefined ‘ god ’ .
17 In Egypt the Jews had to take sides in the hostilities between the various factions which competed for whatever power was left under the virtual protectorate of Rome .
18 Explanatory models which serve for one can not serve for the other .
19 Jeremy is a maths teacher and Sheila , who now runs the business , was once a history teacher which accounts for her detailed knowledge of the area — a great help to any visitor .
20 At fifteen , when I could legally go out to work , I got a Saturday job which paid for my clothes ( except my school uniform , which was part of the deal , somehow ) .
21 Favret-Saada 's unique analysis ( ibid. 1–28 ) of the bizarre subjective position she found herself in is a masterful assessment of the difficulties which arise when the ethnographer seeks to gain knowledge of a social group which depends for its existence on ‘ misknowledge ’ or silence :
22 The parish , he said , is a very nice place to live and this is reflected in the general environment , shops and the number of organisations which cater for everyone .
23 These joints give the arthrophytes ( ‘ jointed plants ’ ) their scientific name , and the little whorls of tiny branches produce the bushy appearance which accounts for their popular one .
24 It should be noted , too , that government conduct can be authorized by ‘ prerogative ’ powers which depend for their existence on recognition by the courts .
25 In short , those passages which rely for their effect on colour-contrasts rather than on colour-blending are most suitable for wind alone .
26 The profits that were generated were ploughed back in investment in staff and technology , a philosophy that has been maintained and which has allowed PRCS to become twice as big as any of its competitors , an achievement which speaks for itself .
27 … the profound darkness of every part of the city in which there are not shops illuminated by the owners with gas … there is not a little country town in England which is not incomparably better lighted than any street in Paris which depends for its illumination upon the public regulations of the City .
28 To wit , that Hastings had inadvertently forsaken the preparatory little step back before moving into the kick which does for him , in terms of rhythm , what the forward press does for a golfer .
29 If a negated conjunct is really necessary in some condition , then the standard trick is to introduce a new predicate which stands for it .
30 Heelas has also given a survey of the different attempts at defining aggression , and the main theories which account for it ( Heelas 1982 , 1983 ) .
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