Example sentences of "[noun] which [verb] [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I suggested that the latter point could be explained in part by reference to the change in the social composition of the electorate which had been in progress over the '60s .
2 A CLASSIC Rolls-Royce limousine which had been in the same Scottish family for 60 years made £21,275 at a Sotheby 's weekend car sale at the Royal Air Force museum , Hendon , North London .
3 The USA reacted angrily to the attack and threatened to call off talks with the PLO which had been under way since late 1987 .
4 Parliament on June 12 , 1991 , approved a constitutional amendment to allow female members of the royal family to succeed to the throne , thus overturning the male-only succession which had been in place since Belgian independence .
5 With Fisher 's appointment as President of the Board ( having a seat in the Cabinet ) came an undertaking that money would be made available for such post-war reconstruction ; and the policy itself was enshrined in legislation to enable the kind of educational expansion within the continuing and adult sectors which had been at the forefront of the Newbolt Committee 's deliberations.5 In practice , however , such expansion was never enacted , despite the ever-increasing reliance of the universities upon state funds ( by 1931 they were receiving slightly over half their income from this source ) ,
6 The president of Daiwa Securities , Japan 's second-largest securities company , resigned on March 11 in connection with a stock scandal which threatened to reignite the controversy over the relationship between brokers and major clients which had been at the root of a series of scandals in mid-1991 [ see pp. 38292 ; 38342-42 ] .
7 Coupled to that the er , sort of the statutory protection which has been in existence for er , workers for many years in some cases is , is being whittled away .
8 The site is commercial woodland which has been on the market for two years .
9 The bombings appeared to be an attempt to force the government to negotiate over the hunger strike by some 40 GRAPO prisoners which had been in progress since Nov. 30 , 1989 [ see p. 37588 ] .
10 After preparing the meat , make sure the work surfaces or chopping board which have been in contact with raw meat and poultry are disinfected with a germ-killing product such as Domestos Multi Surface Cleaner , before going on to prepare salad stuffs and vegetables .
11 After the 22nd , the spotlight falls on travel and projects which have been in the offing since around June .
12 The plane looks almost identical to the old Hercules which has been in service for over a quarter of a century .
13 Seventeen of those arrested , including the soldiers , were detained on Aug. 21 , whilst the others were arrested in separate operations which had been under way since March .
14 This has been because social psychology has had few ways of handling the macro-level political , economic and social change which has been of such great interest to sociologists .
15 To the urban dweller , all woods look the same , but in landscape terms we must be careful to distinguish between the wildwood ( the remnant or successor of the natural or semi-natural woodland of Britain — which certainly does not exist anywhere today and probably has not since the Roman period ) and woods which have been to a greater or lesser degree managed for the production of timber and wood ( Fig. 63 ) .
16 Osric , king of Northumbria ( 718–29 ) ( HE V , 23 ) , no details of whose reign are known , could have been a son of Ealhfrith or of Aldfrith , and either way his accession will have represented a restoration of Oswiu 's family to royal power ( even if , in the former case , of a branch which had been in political eclipse for half a century ) , but his successor Ceolwulf ( 729–37 ) was a brother of Coenred ( HE V , 23 ) and Ceolwulf 's successor , Eadberht ( 737–58 ) , son of Eata , son of Leodwald , was Ceolwulf 's first cousin .
17 Instead , he was troubled at the start by a cold which has been with him since last week .
18 The canal engineer William Jessop was largely responsible for this pioneering work which had been in prospect ever since the Stuart period .
19 Paul is happy enough , but he has a dream which has been with him since he was a teenager .
20 However , the Heilbron Report made no proposals to change the law on the issue which had been at stake in the Morgan case — that a man could escape a rape conviction if he thought that the woman was consenting whether she was or not .
21 We apply such a combination here to an issue which has been of central interest to urban sociology : the state , its concentration of power , and its relation to people 's daily lives .
22 But other changes in the tax system should mean huge gains for companies with shares in the giant Brent and Forties oilfields , the UK 's two largest finds which have been in production since the 1970s .
23 This process directly undermined the rule of law : ‘ such transference of authority saps the foundation of that rule of law which has been for generations a leading feature of the English constitution . ’
24 The Liebherr LTM 1090 crane replaces a similar capacity vehicle which had been in service at the terminal since May 1982 .
25 A number of issues are raised in the paper , but one of the companies which has been at the receiving end and has been canvassed for views , says : ‘ Part of the document looks as if it has been drafted by British Gas . ’
26 In this way , specific dates can be given to a sequence of finds as more information becomes available : if , for example , a cemetery which had been in use for several decades is excavated , the finds from each grave are studied as individual groups to be fitted into an overall sequence .
27 A hardy , naturally polled breed of a type which has been in southwest Scotland for centuries , the Galloway is capable of growing a thick , shaggy coat of long , rain-shedding hairs over its thick , soft , mossy undercoat to protect itself in the cold , damp climate of the region .
28 The decision ends a seven-month wait to settle the issue at the home which has been at the centre of allegations of declining standards .
29 A possible limitation to this is the suggestion that it would cover only those matters which had been before the House , or at least those coming before the House in the current Parliamentary session .
30 In 1988 the applicant was charged with six other offences , and in 1989 with two further offences which had been under investigation since 1983 .
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