Example sentences of "[noun] which [is] not a " in BNC.

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1 He is the only major figure offering an alternative party programme which is not a watered-down version of Mrs Thatcher 's .
2 The searcher may go astray because either some supposed fact is wrong or it applies modus ponens in an irrelevant way , but it will never arrive at any result which is not a strict consequence of its start state .
3 Colleagues , there are many more examples of this crime which is not a crime .
4 However , where there is a breach of any term which is not a condition , that breach could be either repudiatory ( i.e. equivalent in effect to a breach of condition ) or a mere breach of warranty ( i.e. giving rise only to a claim to damages ) .
5 So the first choice really is between erm a sentence which is not an individualized one and one which can be individualized in justice and all the circumstance of the case .
6 I catch a bit of radio while I 'm changing cassettes just north of Perth and hear something called I 'll Sleep When I 'm Dead by Bon Jovi which is n't a patch on Uncle Warren 's song of the same name and makes me more than reasonably annoyed .
7 ‘ He used to play head-tennis with people like Ray Wilkins and Gordon McQueen which is n't a bad grounding , is it ? ’ laughs Harry .
8 Some sleeping bags are made from fibrepile which is not a filling as such .
9 This is just one version out of the score of recipes for this venerable dish which is not a grill at all and which you will scarcely find nowadays simmering away in the galleys of the great petrol barges which whirl down the Rhone to Marseille .
10 Off-exchange perhaps means any transaction which is not on-exchange ( as defined ) and , if so , it includes transactions on an exchange which is not an RIE or DIE ; this result would be similar to the money market exemption in s 43 of the FSA , since that includes transactions on any exchange that is not an RIE .
11 It looks like that not really a great deal of account has been taken of the extra costs that are incurred by visually handicapped people in courses of study , such as paying for er expensive , extremely expensive , computing equipment which is n't a luxury , it 's a necessity quite often for many people , especially doing science courses .
12 The most dramatic new facility is the blend tool which is not a kitchen utensil but rather a means of modifying one form or colour into another .
13 The passage could be read as ‘ this is not my ‘ Histoire de l'oeil ’ , but a male story that I have been subjected to ’ , or as ‘ this is not ‘ L'Histoire de l'oeil ’ but my story of the eye which is not a his-story but a hystery , i.e. a female story ’ .
14 You have tried to submit a package for approval which is not a package module .
15 The firm will need to decide whether partners ' drawings should be paid gross without allowing for any tax reserve , or , alternatively , whether to withhold tax which is not a partnership liability , but an individual partner 's liability .
16 But is there any major passion excited by interactions between persons which is not a blend of reactions from multiple viewpoints ?
17 Where a county court which is not a care centre makes an interim care or supervision order with a s37 direction for investigation , any application relating to the interim order must be made to a care centre and not the original county court .
18 So if that 's that , that 's not bad , so yeah , so , so side three B now , so if we can get two and a half of three tapes done , cos then I can change the batteries and I get to keep , get a free pizza which is n't a bad thing
19 Opinion shopping arises when a firm 's opinion is sought , by an organisation which is not an existing audit client , on the accounting treatments appropriate to its particular circumstances .
20 If a word can be segmented into more than one morpheme , of which one is a root , any morpheme which is not a root is an affix .
21 Erm can you think of a one metal which is n't a solid at normal temperatures ?
22 An example of such a provision is common Article 2 of the Geneva Red Cross Conventions , which provides that the parties shall be bound by the Conventions in relation to a party to the conflict which is not a party to the Conventions ‘ if the latter accepts and applies the provisions thereof ’ .
23 Notices may be entered on the Register of Title to protect a wide variety of interests — for example , an estate contract , a grant of easements over registered land , a lease or agreement for a lease which is not an overriding interest , and many other matters that it is desired shall come to the notice of all persons dealing with the land .
24 But the existence of this gap also suggests one reason for the influence on the functionalist style in public law of a domestic form of evolutionary social theory which is not an obvious bedfellow of utilitarianism .
25 The concerns of Scott J were echoed by Harman J in Systems Reliability Holdings Plc v Smith [ 1990 ] IRLR 377 where the judge concluded ( in a case where he was concerned with an express restriction on the use and disclosure of , in particular the knowledge acquired by the defendant during his employment of the ability to modify an old computer by a small addition so as to make a new product of significant commercial value ) that the controversial part of Neill LJ 's judgment did not bind him to hold that there can not be in an express restrictive of covenant any restriction on information held by an ex-employee which is not a trade secret or something similar .
26 However , the basic argument of the monetarist is that money is a unique asset which is not a close substitute for any particular range of assets , but instead is a substitute for all assets both real and financial .
27 The Act provides that where ‘ a constable has reasonable grounds for suspecting that any offence which is not an arrestable offence has been committed or attempted , or is being committed or attempted , he may arrest the relevant person if it appears to him that service of a summons is impracticable or inappropriate because any of the general arrest conditions is satisfied ’ .
28 A firm which is not a tied firm and which provides investment services in respect of packaged products must act as an independent adviser in respect of those products .
29 ‘ Small Agricultural Tractor ’ — unladen weight not more than 2550 kg may be driven in the course of agricultural operations on any road which is not a restricted road or on any road ( other than a Special Road ) while taking or going to and from a driving test .
30 If there exists a synonym of one occurrence of a word form which is not a synonym of a second , syntactically identical occurrence of the same word form in a different context , then that word form is ambiguous , and the two occurrences exemplify different senses .
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