Example sentences of "[noun] which [vb base] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 After preparing the meat , make sure the work surfaces or chopping board which have been in contact with raw meat and poultry are disinfected with a germ-killing product such as Domestos Multi Surface Cleaner , before going on to prepare salad stuffs and vegetables .
2 After the 22nd , the spotlight falls on travel and projects which have been in the offing since around June .
3 To the urban dweller , all woods look the same , but in landscape terms we must be careful to distinguish between the wildwood ( the remnant or successor of the natural or semi-natural woodland of Britain — which certainly does not exist anywhere today and probably has not since the Roman period ) and woods which have been to a greater or lesser degree managed for the production of timber and wood ( Fig. 63 ) .
4 The groups which emerge are by no means identical to those yielded by an occupational index of the type associated with a stratificational model ( see D. Sankoff and Laberge 1978 for details ) .
5 But other changes in the tax system should mean huge gains for companies with shares in the giant Brent and Forties oilfields , the UK 's two largest finds which have been in production since the 1970s .
6 Irvine , California-based Western Digital Corp warns that earnings per share for the third quarter to March 27 will be ‘ significantly below ’ consensus analysts ' expectations which have been in a range of $0.20 to $0.26 a share , as a direct result of severe price declines in the 3.5″ hard disk drive business : the company says it does not see a significant decline in unit demand and that demand from its key OEM customers is getting stronger and says it is comfortable with revised analyst estimates , in the $0.05 to $0.10 per share range ; ‘ To the best of our ability we will not participate ’ in the price wars , it said .
7 The charities which benefit are for men and women .
8 Many of these buildings which survive are in northern France and suffered bombardment in the First World War , but all are well restored to the original design .
9 Two important east-west faults which occur are from Loch Leurbost to Loch Roag in Lewis , and from East Loch Tarbert to West Loch Tarbert in Harris .
10 The offences were of varying degrees of gravity and the appellants have been given different release dates under the statutory provisions which have been under examination in these appeals .
11 Active citizenship requires an opportunity to participate in normal patterns of life , to overcome unemployment , poverty , homelessness , create equal education and equal opportunities , and strengthen social and political rights which have been under attack .
12 ‘ Then there 's a small matter of your presence at two locations within a week which have been under police surveillance .
13 The range of decorative techniques which have been at some time applied to metalwork is a subject for many books , not just a few pages .
14 The Liberal governments of 1906–14 introduced new principles of social policy which have been of lasting importance , but in accordance with no conscious grand design directed at Cabinet level .
15 It seems to open up all the disturbing conflicts and inconsistencies which have been at the heart of their problems .
16 Figures for the balance of payments which have been at the heart of much policy discussion since the war , are an outstanding example of most of these difficulties [ Dow , 1964 ; Cairncross , 1985 ] .
17 It added that the procedures which have been in force since June 1988 for the screening of Vietnamese arrivals should be suspended forthwith .
18 A railway bridge crosses and then the navigation carries on as the river bends right , to be crossed by a bridge carrying pipes which have been along the right bank .
19 But his team had cohesion , some character , a little grit which have been in short supply in the present line-up .
20 The item below that is the shortfall in planning application fees , this is application fees for er mineral extraction applications which are , these are set as a statutory charge erm we 've picked up in the budget monitoring reports which have been to previous committees that the from this source has been falling off , as a few words explain that in this paragraph .
21 Users of the ‘ Pentium-ready ’ personal computer systems which have been on sale since the middle of last year — Intel Corp 80486-based boxes with a Pentium upgrade socket — wo n't get their OverDrive Pentiums , code-named the P24T , which plugs into the socket , until next year ( UX No 424 ) .
22 These will vary according to the weather and demand , but should include a visit to Wieliczka , famous for its salt miles which have been in existence since the 13th century .
23 This option allows the user to generate a report of all Design Changes within LIFESPAN which have been in a given state since a specified date .
24 At a time when we are on the threshold of change , indeed very considerable change , in local government and when our burghs which have been with us since the earliest times are about to disappear , it may be of interest to look at the burghs of Scotland prior to the passing of the Reform Act and their position in the election of Members for the Westminster Parliament .
25 Accordingly , I do not derive much assistance from the definitions of natural justice which have been from time to time used , but , whatever standard is adopted , one essential is that the person concerned should have a reasonable opportunity of presenting his case .
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