Example sentences of "[noun] as [adj] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 The Argentinian Foreign Minister said that his country did not require guarantees of sovereignty over the Falklands as long as they remained in Argentinian possession , and strikes broke out in hospitals .
2 ‘ They have a future as long as they can channel their aggression in the right area .
3 Mr Benton said : ‘ Read 's did seem to have a bright future as long as they could overcome short term cash difficulties .
4 Anyone can start giving blood as long as they are between 18 and 60 years old and in good health .
5 In addition , tax breaks are promised for enterprises owned by artists ' unions and associations as long as they are operating for their prescribed purpose .
6 In other words , populations become generally eligible for management as deviant when they disturb , hinder , or call into question … capitalist modes of appropriating the product of human labour … the social conditions under which capitalist production takes place … patterns of distribution and consumption … the process of socialization for productive and non-productive roles … and … the ideology which supports the functioning of capitalist society . ’
7 They are not a breed that can be kept in flats , although they do not need endless exercise as long as they have space for freedom of mind .
8 The drug companies condemn the imports as unfair because they alone must foot the registration costs .
9 As the law stands the squatters had legal rights to live in their home as long as they had not forced entry .
10 American guests are famous for deep ties and they hope they will consider themselves at home as long as they are in this country .
11 WWF News can accept handwritten articles as long as they are legible .
12 Workers rationally support capitalism as long as they believe it best advances their material interests , and they are always likely to do so , given the costs of the transition to socialism .
13 Mr Fallon said he had talked to the longest serving officials in his department who said the expansion rule had been in place as long as they had been there .
14 Above the river , the seagulls kept on the wing as long as they could , hoping the turbulence would bring them a good find , then , defeated and battered , they heeled and screamed away to find refuge .
15 Companies with cash to offer will be able to control television stations as long as they pay lip-service to the observance of minimum standards — standards which are wholly inadequate . ’
16 ‘ Shimmery shadows can look lovely in the evening as long as they 're subtle , ’ she said .
17 There were obviously some men in Hollywood who wanted to make films with sociological relevance and there was obviously an audience for contemporary films as long as they were made according to the normal dramatic conventions and satisfied more general audience expectations .
18 This was one of the voyages in which the men of science were in charge , in that the point of the expedition was scientific ; often there had been frustration among scientists on voyages because the captain 's instructions , or his interpretation of them , did not let him stay at interesting places as long as they would have liked , or put enough boats and crews at their disposal .
19 He did not elaborate on the usual roles played by a king 's sons , who in fact were expected from an early age to join in their father 's business , as envoys and generals , counsellors as long as they remained in their father 's household , and rulers of sub-kingdoms as and when regna were available .
20 The law is continually changing , and solicitors are required to undertake continuing education as long as they practise .
21 Manageress Jaci Henderson said : ‘ We have no problems as long as they are n't running around , through clothes , making a mess , etc .
22 The birds hatched in an incubator can then be hand-reared or given back to their parents , who will rear any number of chicks as long as they have enough food .
23 Witchcraft was no longer a recognized cause of death since the British authorities considered such beliefs as absurd as they were uncivilized .
24 One secondary sense of neutrality regards persons as neutral if they can affect the fortunes of the parties and if they affect the fortunes of all the parties equally regardless of their reasons for so doing .
25 With COSMOS all children 2 to 15 years of age at the time of return travel qualify for the specially reduced child prices advertised in the holiday pages as long as they share a room with 2 adults .
26 Progress towards a new version of flexible response was also possible once it became apparent that there would be no major increases to Nato 's conventional forces , especially since the Americans could not lead by example as long as they were mired in Vietnam .
27 With many hand shakes and introductions , the candidates and their leader met as many people as possible as they visited each department .
28 Indeed , in many countries , one government department may be paying huge sums to enable those with disabilities to become employable and to live independently while another is paying out larger sums as long as they remain dependent and unemployable .
29 Quite frequently a user will be satisfied with a few items on a topic as long as they are relevant and meet other criteria such as language , date and level .
30 I am anxious that my grandsons , Prince William and Prince Harry , should grow up in as happy and stable an environment as possible because they represent not just my family 's future , but a continuation of a tradition which has bound the British people together for centuries .
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