Example sentences of "[noun] as [pron] [is] for " in BNC.

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1 I 've decided to add my own gown to the auction as it 's for a good cause , Guy 's Hospital cancer unit .
2 Nor can potential school achievement or social competence be directly linked to levels of sight : pupils with little or no sight have shown that they can achieve well in school , be independent and happy , since the interaction of the child and the learning environment is as significant for them in helping to achieve these goals as it is for any pupil in school .
3 Well what 's that staying as it is for ?
4 We thus tend to think of ourselves as machines , and when things go wrong treatment is organized along similar lines as it is for our machines — servicing , repairing and patching as dictated by the appearance of aches , pains and loss of function .
5 It 's as difficult for the stewards as it is for us , ’ he said .
6 Their young winger/outside-half , Michael Corcoran , is as eligible for England as he is for Ireland .
7 As we have seen , there are distinct limitations on what can be achieved by way of conditions on a planning permission ; this can often be as awkward for the developer as it is for the planning authority .
8 If it is any consolation , the whole question of arrangement seems just as much a problem for people with enviably rare and valuable collections as it is for those with hardly enough to call a collection of anything .
9 In their original context both stories had a different significance , but it was as impossible for fourteenth century Christians to experience the Christian revelation in the same way as the first Christians as it is for us today .
10 Each one should be cleaned , inside and out — it is just as effective for those hard-to-reach molars as it is for front teeth .
11 Waiting lists are known to be an inaccurate indicator of need , as many doctors do not refer patients if they know the wait will be long ( this is as true for instance for hearing aids as it is for hip replacements ) .
12 9 ) " Planning ahead is as much a waste of time for my business as it is for me .
13 My body as it is for me does not appear to me in the midst of the world . ’
14 My body as it is for me does not appear at all .
15 One way of expressing this point would be to say that my body as it is for me is sensitive , whereas my body in the midst of the world is sensible ( meaning , to be sensed or perceived ) .
16 It will be impractical to fix a levy that is as fair for the three million owners of normal-speed machines as it is for future owners of half-speed machines .
17 And we just went through them , the same procedure as it is for all our policies , which is eight point two , five , growth percent .
18 Among the free churches there is no set system of redundancy procedure as there is for the Anglican Church , so that it may be for officials from the local congregation to decide if and how to dispose of vacant church property .
19 The process is much more serious for primitive society , however , for getting older in this sort of world is not just a question of securing certain basic legal rights as it is for us , but is fundamentally concerned with acquiring prestige .
20 International exposure is as much a requirement for cultural development as it is for sport ’ .
21 Designer shops rub shoulders with gourmet restaurants and the promenade is as much for dressing up and meeting people as it is for enjoying the glorious views .
22 There is no single source and no national catalogue as there is for books .
23 Thank you very much for the balaclava pattern , unfortunately my machine is a Toyota 858 so this is no use as it is for a Pfaff or Passap Duomatic .
24 Right so , you know , there are those who would teach that Jesus he would die for our sins and he 's forgiven us sins , but only those who come to him , Jesus died for the sin of the whole world , for every man , woman , boy and girl that has ever lived or ever will live , he died for the sin of the whole world , not just for those even who lived after his death , that 's why it talks about in the Old Testament people like Abraham looking for that day , and so Jesus who in , when he died , because he 's eternal , so we 've got the problems with time , God has n't got problems with time , he 's eternal and so his sacrifice , the sacrifice of him on the cross was effective for Abraham as it is for you , it was as effective for David as it was for Paul otherwise Abraham would never of had his sins forgiven because what happened with all the sacrifice with all the little lambs that were killed and all the goats and all the rest they only acted as a covering for sin , did n't take them away , it covered them , what for , until the moment when Jesus would come and would take those sins away and so when you think of David 's sin , his adultery and his murder , how does he get forgiven for that because Jesus died from the cross and he takes upon himself David 's sin and he takes upon him Abraham 's sin and Noah 's sin and Adam 's sin , just as much as your sin and the person who will be born in ten years time their sin also , all our sins er as Gloria just read there from , from one John to two they were all of him he has died for every one , well that 's his humiliation , hurry along quickly now his exhortation , the period from Jesus 's resurrection onward is referred to as to the , as the state of exhortation , now what does that term mean , well as Jesus according to his divine nature has always been , he was always every where , now in his human nature , before , be , sorry it 's not , it 's not on that one , but before he , he came to earth , he was every where , he was God , he was , he was omnia present that means he was every where at the same time , but he takes upon himself he 's su , he 's , he 's human nature and he takes upon himself the limitations and when Jesus is walking down second avenue in , in Jerusalem he 's not in Nazareth that 's why there were times when people came to er , to , to , came rushing out because they heard that Jesus was passing by , see he was n't there resident with them , he passed by , now he 's gone back to heaven and where is he , he 's in heaven , he , er whereabouts , where do you think Jesus is now , that resurrected body that was glorified that has gone back to heaven , where do you think it is
25 The ‘ look ’ in this stratum is as considered and serious a matter as it is for any Sloane , and just as rigid .
26 ‘ I give my personal guarantee that this production of Swan Lake will be as magical for children as it is for adults , ’ he wrote .
27 Egypt is leading the way for Heinemann as it is for Longman , which describes the country as a ‘ star market ’ .
28 And one of the most significant changes I wanted to make , and I think we have made was that the , the letting of contracts and the vetting of contracts and so on would be done by our Q Ss , in the same way as it is for the civil work
29 For Betty , pupil autonomy is also an issue , though not in the same way as it is for Rick .
30 A university is after all fundamentally an academic institution , world famous universities of course have all sorts of other attributes er for example , er theatres er as well as er sports grounds and that is just as true in this country as it is for example in the United States or Australia or even in the non-English speaking world .
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