Example sentences of "[noun] we [adv] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If so happens and no points are included in the luggage back to Elland Road or even with one point at Anfield we still will find ourselves far behind already …
2 ‘ As the host village we certainly ought to compete in some form or other , ’ said councillor Stan Whitcher , who suggested fielding a team of boules players .
3 Singer John Matthews says : ‘ If we 'd have spent more time on the record we probably would have ruined it . ’
4 ‘ Either way it will be less than the environmentally benign alternatives we currently must choose from .
5 It 's our credibility as well you know we 're being told quality of service etc etc and I think it ought to be a department meeting we all ought to have the opportunity to put forward what we 're doing and where we 're going .
6 ‘ I knew Charles wanted me to marry you for reasons we hardly need discuss .
7 Back in my day we often used to have five or six wingers on the field at once .
8 One day we really must do something about clearing them out .
9 THERE are several assumptions we reasonably CAN make about the future .
10 Odd gloves we never used to charge for had to get rid of them and er so apart from those two offices er there was immediately above us was a biggish office spreading over these two blocks of offices , called the ticket office and there at that time about eleven girls working in it on tickets .
11 And er course summer holidays we always used to go and spend them with granny and granddad .
12 school holidays we only used to get a month they get about six weeks now I think but no we used to get a month 's holiday then .
13 There is a song we always used to hear ,
14 On his present form we really would have been better sticking with Chappie .
15 We realize that the spiritual life matters infinitely more than all the material possessions or human status we once may have enjoyed .
16 Of many , in summertime we always used to stand at the top of the yards , you know , men and women .
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