Example sentences of "[noun] it be [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With the font world in a state of turmoil following the Apple/Microsoft deal it 's time for a few words about maintaining standards .
2 For centuries it was part of the richest life support system in the world .
3 Lucie began to look nervously around for fear it was part of an ambush by footpads .
4 Friday it 's noon till nine .
5 After the sealing of the Treaty of Nonancourt it was time for Henry II to carry out the promise made at Winchester last September and deal with William and Vulgrin of Angoulême , Aimar of Limoges and the other defeated rebels .
6 The establishment of internal controls is the responsibility of management , not of internal audit , but as a service to management it is part of the latter 's role to review , appraise and report on the soundness and adequacy of these controls .
7 Every winter it 's touch down America for the RAF Falcons in Oxfordshire .
8 Which had apparently been a a steam There had been a steam engine turning this er mill crushing mill and er er I remember there was a name in in this engine it was Queen of the Valley .
9 Christina Muir : ‘ Coming from a small boarding school evacuated and decimated by the war it was paradise to be with girls with intellectual interests .
10 So using the default palette as the basis it is time for change .
11 Another moment it 's retouch with a decorator 's brush , load every rift with pigment , and so on .
12 erm actually I do n't mean for a gipsy site it 's sort of two people have applied to have ordinary caravans there , like holiday caravans , etc .
13 With his few belongings it was home to him wherever he went .
14 All over town it 's time for church-going .
15 ‘ But Zanskar , in the olden days it was part of the Kingdom of the Sikhs , and the Sikhs called it Little Tibet .
16 At the Jamboree it was time for tea .
17 Surely in this day and age with so much emphasis on safety it is madness to surface roads like this .
18 There can be little doubt that when Richard led his army to Dax it was part of a campaign intended to counter the northward expansion of Aragon .
19 At this point it is consideration in the House .
20 So it 's a joke O K. It 's sort of er at himself , a self critical joke .
21 Labour 's simple , single theme is that after 13 years it is time for a change .
22 In this context I would like to pay a tribute to the British officers who served Burma during the years it was part of the Commonwealth .
23 After six years it was time for me to move on to Debenham High School .
24 After the fun and games of the Cheranganis it was time for something a bit more serious , so we headed for Mount Elgon , in the far west of the country , straddling the border between Kenya and Uganda .
25 so it , it is a sort of it 's a kind of sort of liveish topic it 's sort of in one of those stages where it 's not actually happening yet because a
26 I mean people it is question of how you say you well enough that
27 and she 's doing other things through work that you know , I 'm I mean it in theory it 's sort of giving some support to .
28 KING OF HEARTS : When Lynne met Derek it was love at first sight
29 However , on one 's first appearance in the office in the morning it was etiquette for all , even key holders , to enter through the front door and use the front staircase .
30 But if it 's rubbish it 's storage for Dick it 's taking up .
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