Example sentences of "[noun] it could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Nor did it impress the Arab states , which pointed out that if Israel was able to absorb hundreds of thousands of Jews it could certainly absorb more than 100,000 Palestinian returnees ; or the United States , which did not think the Israeli offer ‘ provide[d] a suitable basis for contributing to solution of Arab refugee question . ’
2 It has even refused to injunct a magazine which had published an allegation it could not justify , where it might succeed at trial for other reasons : Soraya Kashoggi sought an injunction to withdraw " Woman 's Own " from circulation when it published a statement that she was having an extra-marital affair with a Head of State .
3 The Society prospered , although at its 1852 annual public tea it could hardly hold a Christmas cheese and wine party members were saddened by the numbers that had fallen from grace once the hay and corn harvests had been collected .
4 ‘ He 's got the Cell it could still help us . ’
5 If the team becomes too large then in practice it could well break down into sub-teams and not be as effective as intended .
6 It was in no way intense , and indeed coming from such a figure it could not help but appear a little maternal ; Mrs Hill did not seem to discover anything odd in her own attitude , and would consult Clara 's opinion without any attempts at subterfuge or bravado ; she would defer to Clara 's position in the class by outrageously open remarks such as " Now , Clara , you 're the only girl likely to remember what I said last week " , or " Well , I suppose I 'm wasting my breath on all but Clara Maugham . "
7 In both cases investigation is required because the education supervision order has failed to achieve its purpose and the local authority must consider what action it could usefully take to assist the child and his family .
8 The machine is the crux of Ingrid 's business : her innovations in the craft of felting are contributory and her designs are responsible for the sort of client who commissions her , but without the machine it could n't have happened .
9 Were glad the guidance has finally arrived , however we feel it 's a pity it could not have been more accurate ’ .
10 In south Korea it could not determine the registration of voters , political parties or other electoral arrangements .
11 Despite the fact that this is a work of reference aimed unashamedly at the scholar and the collector , given the reputation of the author and the status of the museum it could surely have been subsidised ( possibly by the Getty Grant Program or , dare one say it , by the University itself ) .
12 The BDDA , as long ago as 1924 , foresaw this unhappy industrial crisis , and recognising that it was a question it could not handle alone , the National Institute was requested to deal with it .
13 A thick stolon was much delayed in its passage ; at one place it was forced to turn at right angles to its former course ; at another place it could not pass through the pins , and the hinder part became bowed ; it then curved upwards and passed through an opening between the upper part of some pins which happen to diverge ; it then descended and finally emerged through the crowd ’ ( Darwin , 1880 ) .
14 What a shame it could n't have been more of a humdinger .
15 If it continues over a long period it could even lead to stunted growth .
16 In many places it could n't open up again before June , late May at the earliest . ’
17 There were houses of turf and stone close by the river , and sometimes they passed rowboats , but the flatboat was sailing up against a rock wall it could not scale .
18 Cargo shares were of course proportioned to rank , but for the more senior officers it could almost guarantee wealth .
19 you swing the whole it could just swing .
20 Only one unit of all the British farms in this study was selling dairy products directly and had a demand it could not fulfil .
21 Through its involvement in astrology it could also contribute to the governance of the Church , proving the truth of Christianity , forecasting the future , and predicting the course of disease .
22 It , it might , I was going to suggest Moderator that if , if the thing were amended to , to delete the word rite er and , and and perhaps have , you know , the whole issue rather than th the rite it could perhaps go to the , the panel on doctrine and be perfectly in order .
23 A preview of the Commons debate was held in the Lords yesterday where Lord Ennals , a former Labour Health Secretary , warned the Government it could not push the proposals through the NHS in the knowledge that they were opposed by the medical profession 's leaders .
24 In practice , apart from the navy , the United States had no forces it could immediately deploy in the eastern Mediterranean and Middle East .
25 Although this disk is primarily aimed at the professional market like advertising agencies , broadcasters and newspapers it could also prove invaluable research material for schools , colleges , and local theatre groups .
26 When the French fleet , united with the Spanish , did threaten Cornwall it could not have been at a more perilous time .
27 He claimed Strathclyde could not legally authorise projects it could not afford .
28 With mum Carol 's heritage it could never have been any other way — her roots , after all , lay thousands of miles away in Wales , the Land of Song .
29 The Midland spent more than £1bn on acquisitions round the world between 1979 and 1981 , money it could barely afford because of its capital weakness .
30 Another case example of international big business creating new markets for itself , then using these countries as a dumping ground for substandard products it could n't sell in Europe or the United States .
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