Example sentences of "[noun] it [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Like the Prudential and Lloyds it was badly hit by the downturn in the market and made big losses .
2 Over his ears it was completely shaved .
3 As the letter was in braille it was never broadcast .
4 Of the two methods it is generally agreed that ‘ write black ’ is much better at fine lines and accurate reproduction of small typeface sizes while ‘ write white ’ is best for large areas of solid black .
5 As a contest it was neither designed to set the pulses racing nor win converts .
6 In soil geography it is generally suggested that the systems approach was formally applied by Nikiforoff ( 1959 ) although earlier he had distinguished accumulative and non-accumulative soils and so implicitly involved an open system attitude ( Nikiforoff , 1949 ) .
7 In some organizations it is still seen as the junior partner to sales , in others it has an equal status , in yet others it has a superior status .
8 The distance that had to be covered can be seen in the case of the Primitive Methodists : they had no theological college until 1881 and when the new college in Manchester faced collapse it was only saved by the generosity of Sir William Hartley .
9 As a result it 's supposedly eyeing the server contingent more seriously and is likely to strengthen its association with the Hewlett-Packard and Digital Equipment Corps of the world .
10 ‘ As a result it is better protected against cold winds than it used to be . ’
11 Kersey said : ‘ So Matthew married Alfred ’ girlfriend after getting her pregnant ; not exactly fraternal conduct , but as a motive for murder it 's surely worn a bit thin after thirty years . ’
12 the monarchy are non political and therefore , when they choose to speak it 's usually out of a genuine concern for that problem , it 's not for popularity or personal gain because they are there already and , I think that is quite important when po politicians tend to do good it 's usually to get votes .
13 Frinton and Walton Floral club : In yesterday 's report of the 41st annual meeting of the Frinton and District Floral Club it was inadvertently left out that Mrs Dorothy Archer was elected as the new president .
14 Well with all those people breathing down his neck it 's probably put him off
15 Since with rare exceptions gold was so much more valuable than silver it was generally preferred for fine jewellery ( Plate D ) .
16 1 patient proved positive but because the patient was an injection drug user undergoing lymph-node biopsy it was reasonably assumed that this was not an occupational exposure .
17 He reflected that in his twenty year association with the Institution the lifeboat fleet had been adapted to cope with an increasing variety of casualties , from being tailored to serve merchant and fishing vessels it was now dealing with more than an equal number of calls from the holiday maker and the pleasure sailor .
18 Discussions after this uneasy first night were typically intense , with Gergiev working a 16-hour day , as he often does , and by Friday it was all beginning to flow .
19 To give the settlement greater weight it was also agreed that Henry should take to wife Catherine , Charles 's daughter , whose hand he had sought in negotiation some years earlier .
20 Jean Revers was horrified at the sight of huge bonfires in the fields at Carno ; there was so much unusable fabric it was just burned .
21 You can always the tape It 's actually running .
22 He still hoped for a settlement , but each time he sent a communication to Bidault it was unaccountably held up by d'Argenlieu .
23 In our speaking and listening programmes of study it is therefore recommended specifically as a learning medium .
24 In this study it was also confirmed that the fast eye movements were associated with passages of vivid dreaming involving tracking of moving images , but the measured direction of movement of the eyes did not correspond very well with reports of direction of movement of objects in the dream .
25 While there is no regulation that specifically excludes due diligence work on a listed company , in practice it is rarely undertaken due to the rules on equality of information to be given not only to all shareholders but also to offerors or bona fide potential offerors .
26 Deceptively , because in practice it is rarely accomplished and only in a few cases have polymer blends or mixtures achieved industrial importance .
27 The distinction , though in practice it is often blurred , in theory is clear .
28 The most important ingredient in the construction stage is time but , although this is sometimes a source of worry at the beginning , in practice it is often found that this stage is less time-consuming than the planning stages .
29 The term ‘ further education ’ ( FE ) is used sometimes in a general sense to cover all post-school education , but in practice it is usually differentiated from higher education ( study at universities , polytechnics and colleges of higher education ) , and divided into the categories of non-advanced further education ( NAFE ) , which means A-level standard or below , and advanced further education ( AFE ) which is above A level or its equivalent .
30 The analysis of required skills ought in principle to have an ergonomics input but in practice it is usually done on the basis of experience of similar system designs in the past .
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