Example sentences of "[noun] it [is] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But with football it is going to be different .
2 The answer is never one the minimum we 've come across in an organization is two the typical is five to ten and in some organizations it 's going on fifteen .
3 So whilst it 's desirable to encourage the use of rail , I think in in in practice it 's going to be er very difficult to achieve that and in therefore you should look at public transport in the round .
4 You know at the bottom it 's going to be avalanche time .
5 What 's a half plus a third ? that 's no problem add the top two add the bottom it 's going to be two fifths it 's obvious is n't it .
6 Because it 's going to finish one of those days it 's going to be
7 It is not merely of local importance it is going to be a huge alien feature for twenty years of working and in perpetuity thereafter within a natural rural area and a natural landscape .
8 We , we , it 's fairly clear that the manual gears is virtually , within five or six years it 's going to be very , very , very small .
9 I was saying , ‘ Just think what fun it 's going to be , following Cilla Black … ’ and you could just see him succumbing . ’
10 Do I already have some suspicion that one day it is going to be removed from the records and scattered , perhaps vanish altogether ?
11 So I said if it 's only for a mile it 's going to be well less than a minute at eighty , presuming you were doing more than thereabouts and er that was it .
12 Judging by accounts of last year 's knees-up it 's going to be a night to remember — a carnival of flesh — a drink and drugs frenzy .
13 If we get duplicate last year 's Yellow Pages it 's going to be such a problem .
14 June is an excellent month for marriage , Sagittarius , and if your wedding is this month it 's going to be a happy time for you both !
15 The company is selling largely direct domestically ; in Europe , Canada , Asia and Australia it 's going through resellers .
16 but are the point about how it 's structured is if for example it 's going to be open to students at Napier
17 Erm and it 's er within the countryside it 's going to be a rich peasant who 's going to do that .
18 Well if if we do only get four people it 's going to be more is n't it ?
19 If it does turn out he 's personally involved I 've got a feeling it 's going to be difficult as hell trying to prove it . ’
20 The state of the river and a temperature barely above freezing means it is going to be hard today but I will still feed about a dozen maggots when I cast in , and them the same again when the float is halfway down the swim .
21 because they 've sold everything off like gas and electricity and everything and all the resources they 've got for it they 've spent , to supplement everything else , so the money wo n't be there , and , and the income from the electricity and that is n't going to the Government it 's going to private enterprise
22 let's a what are we going to be doing today then as Dave 's already observed because he 's seen my notes it 's going to be a very full day er so we need to crack on .
23 Right it takes two hours it 's going at a steady sixty , great , so we know that 's a hundred and sixty .
24 the S O four and the N H four that 's a double negative and that 's a single positive it 's going to be two N H four S O four no erm let me think about it again er
25 being an hour it 's going onto two hours
26 Of course it 's going to be evaded , and it will be quite hard work to get it enforced , but you ca n't avoid the things women have to fight for at work , you ca n't pull women out of work , out of the unions , just because housework is n't recognised by a direct wage .
27 We do n't want pe I mean we do n't want sales reps agreeing to allocations I mean at the moment we have n't got anybody to administer them it 's being done by groups it 's going to be a nightmare in a big way
28 at the end of the world it 's going to be C K at the end .
29 so , with the best will in the world it 's going to be six months so let's so we need a little of breathing space
30 It was fun , and I think I actually played some great shit , and if it gets on the radio it 's going to be good for all jazz guys , because there are some pretty hip notes in there … ! ’
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