Example sentences of "[noun] to [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of you may say it is not good manners to be removing such things from one 's chest at the dinner table . ’
2 ( 3 ) Half-sister to be afforded reasonable contact .
3 S.202B , introduced by s.110 of the Civic Government ( Scotland ) Act 1982 , provides for a register of bye-laws to be kept available for inspection .
4 They 've been the guests of a charity in Worcestershire , and Central News has been following their progress … for a special programme to be shown this weekend .
5 They 've been the guests of a charity in Worcestershire , and Central News has been following their progress … for a special programme to be shown this weekend .
6 But I 'm not I 'm not in the frame of mind to be saying this kid was off for a week with flu then and was off
7 Southern nations called for specific funds to be made available to support the improvements , but this was rejected by the northern donor nations .
8 THE first batch of cards supporting the campaign for Meirionnydd to be given unitary authority status has been sent to Welsh Secretary John Redwood .
9 Shorshan was the fourth Jewish settler to be shot dead by gunmen since the start of the Middle East peace talks in October 1991 .
10 Backpackers need to keep the weight high and close to the back , but ski-mountaineers and climbers need the weight to be kept lower to increase stability , although weighty things should be kept close to the back .
11 Secondly , in determining the language units to be used some form of categorisation takes place so that we decide whether to call the agent Fred' , or ‘ the fat boy ’ , or ‘ Paul 's son ’ or ‘ he ’ .
12 He said : ‘ I was dumbstruck to be asked this by the teller . ’
13 THE Scottish Secretary , Ian Lang , will be called on to back demands for Scotland 's MEPs to be elected next year by proportional representation .
14 Simon Brewster , a research fellow in urology at Southmead Hospital , Bristol , is putting the finishing touches to another prostatic screening follow-up study to be presented next month .
15 Use of carbon fibre reinforced tube and rod not only added to frame rigidity , it enabled lighter and smaller designs to be created such as described already in Chapter Two , and it led eventually to sail designs with multiple stand-offs for improved aerodynamic characteristics .
16 Steve Tshwete , himself a former flanker and now the ANC 's chief of sport , told RW&P in an exclusive interview to be published next month , that sportsmen would be expected to ‘ take the field wearing armbands and stickers on their kits showing their commitment to peace and democracy in South Africa ’ and to ‘ show their support for out struggle by visiting the scene of the Boipatong massacre ’ .
17 It is an additional fact , too important in practice to be called incidental but not necessary enough in theory to be called inevitable , that these causal arrows have become bundled up .
18 Recent developments in micro-computer technology have not only allowed large storage capacity for data to be made available cheaply , but also greatly enhanced the processing power of these machines .
19 Data to be made available on ICI wastes
20 Fairfax calls a waiter and orders the memsahib 's car to be made ready for the short journey to Warthog Manor , her solid but decrepit stone house .
21 The Museum will have a purpose-built taxiway direct onto the airport enabling the Museum 's aircraft to be taxied direct into the Museum .
22 Of the aircraft to be supplied 48 were reported to be the most advanced version , the F-15E Strike Eagle — never before exported — although with slightly downgraded navigational and weapons systems .
23 WHILE the Dakota hogs all the limelight , there are aircraft to be found that approach ( and in many ways , surpass ) the do-it-all image of that ubiquitous aircraft .
24 ‘ So society needs more housing for rent to be made available . ’
25 ‘ There are only two more Grands Prix to be held this season , one in — ’
26 The court therefore has to approach its construction on the footing that the new Act may exhibit policies and intentions which are not necessarily the same as those in the earlier Act , and which require similar words to be given different meanings from those which the courts gave them under the earlier legislation .
27 Hence there is a significant increase in the processing due to the increased numbers of words to be assigned grammatical information .
28 If shape information were available accurately from the pattern recogniser it should enable more candidate words to be discarded due to incorrect shape .
29 She had not been brutal enough to mention the office rumour and Ayling had not expected his words to be interpreted that way .
30 It would he a very revealing item of Bomber Command 's history were a tape to be made available today of that unfortunate telephone link-up , and for a cold assessment to be made of all the circumstances as known at the time .
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