Example sentences of "[noun] to [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moderator I 'm going to ask the general assembly to turn their mind to quite a different subject now .
2 Never mind that numbers waiting for less than a year have risen , bringing the total number on waiting lists to almost a million — a new record high .
3 Due to pressure on places the Faculties of Arts , Law , Medicine and Social Sciences are able to offer deferred entry to only a small proportion of applicants .
4 The sources also reacted favourably to a statement published yesterday by the erstwhile Communist satellite , the People 's Party , calling for the Communists to be restricted in effect to around a third of a new cabinet .
5 Opposition sources reacted favourably to a statement by the former Communist satellite , the People 's Party , calling for the Communists to be restricted in effect to about a third of the cabinet seats .
6 My parents are dead now , and I moved away from our village to quite a big town in the hope that I would make friends .
7 He was reckoned one of the islands ' best fishing guides , a man who could name his own price to the rich northerners who came to the blue waters to kill gamefish , but Bonefish believed that his family might stray from the path of righteousness if he spent too much time away from home so he restricted his guide work to just a few weeks of the year .
8 A straightforward , attractive , and testable interpretation of Sag & Hankamer 's suggestion is that ellipses are interpreted with reference to only a representation of the superficial features of a text , while model interpretive anaphors are interpreted with reference to only a mental model .
9 The degree structure maintained at Edinburgh allows a student to leave decisions on the subjects to be followed and on the final degree to quite a late stage .
10 Using the contour control , it 's possible to change the character of the sound from British bite to almost an American West Coast wash , while maintaining that essential edge which Marshall amps are famed for .
11 This tropical paradise is home to over a thousand temples , as well as shimmering lakes , pearl white beaches and majestic volcanoes .
12 The -300 Sal 5'ESV and -300 Sal 3'ESV constructs contain a 220bp NcoI-PvuII fragment from the SV40 enhancer which was modified by addition of linkers to either a BamHI fragment or a SalI fragment and placed at the 5' and 3' end of the -300 Sal construct , respectively .
13 Now this sounds as though it 'll actually make quite a difference to perhaps a small farmer .
14 Some such processes can be found by trial and error or by simply paying attention to only a few pieces .
15 In the preamble to around a dozen eighteenth-century statutes prohibiting trade unionism in specific English trades , combinations are already described as unlawful , the purpose of the statute being to offer the employers the chance to secure quick , summary punishment .
16 Erm , the consequence of that is that at conception the sex ratio in the white U S population is about a hundred and twenty males to about a hundred females .
17 RUC have to thank their custodian Kenny Cairns for keeping the scoreline to just a single goal .
18 It brings the total amount of heroin seized by customs officers in Kent this week to over a hundred kilos , two million pounds worth was seized from a car at Sheerness ; a fifty three year old Turk , Nemet Hanifi Kaboulu has been charged with importing heroin , he 'll appear before magistrates in the morning .
19 If the fact that the label is encoded there helps in the interpretation of a pronoun referring to that object , the other half of Sag & Hankamer 's hypothesis — that deep anaphors are interpreted with respect to only a mental model — will be shown to be false .
20 The loss of access to even a small plot in the open fields affected many , but far more were affected by the loss of common rights .
21 In certain situations a single set of facts and circumstances may give rise to both a civil claim and a criminal prosecution .
22 Breach of any of the provisions of the Factories Act 1961 may give rise to either a civil action which may be initiated by an employee for breach of statutory duty , or criminal proceedings in the magistrate 's court initiated by the Factory Inspectorate .
23 The sense of excitement that Ruth would have had might have changed a wee bit to almost a little bit of fear .
24 The second requires the child to make a verbal response to either a verbal or a non-verbal stimulus and is used as a measure of the child 's ability to produce spoken language .
25 When these two factors are put together , it is readily understandable that a request that treatment should cease should be seen as not really meant , but as merely the response to either a passing mood or a loss of mental fitness .
26 Even so , a rise in the proportion of appliance sales on hire purchase from only a tenth on nationalisation to nearly a half ten years later enabled them to retain their share in the growing retail market for electrical goods at about the 25 per cent level which they inherited on nationalisation .
27 Briefly , if a church , for example , wanted to raise money , the ladies of the congregation organised themselves into small groups , often into pairs , and each group distributed invitations to perhaps a dozen or fourteen friends to a tea to be held in the church hall or some other suitable place .
28 Bernhard Langer got the first blow in by hitting a great second shot over the Swilcan Burn at the first hole to only a few inches , about a foot I guess , and birdied to go one nearer the lead .
29 As the outcome bears no relation to either an efficient market or the declared aims of government policy , it sets up pressures for those who feel injured to seek political solutions , which mean greater government intervention and greater inefficiency — a treadmill with which I regret to say we are all too familiar in the United Kingdom .
30 If you observe the bird from the front , you 'll see that it ranges in hue from the creamy white of the breast and stomach to quite a dark brown with even darker flecks on the neck .
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