Example sentences of "[noun] have also [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The BLM has also set aside 1.5 million acres of formerly pristine wilderness for unlimited shooting ranges and for use by jeeps , dune buggies and dirt bikes .
2 And Clough has also cracked down on a similar plea from right back Brian Laws .
3 It has , for example , become the principal breed in subarctic Finland and the Finnish Ayrshire is now widespread in several northern countries , including the USSR , but the Scottish cow has also adapted well to hot climates and is found in Kenya and South Africa in particular .
4 The University has also invested heavily in microcomputer laboratories , which have been established in most parts of the campus .
5 DEC has also set up the Object Database Assessment Team to provide consultancy to customers deciding between an object database or a traditional approach for an application .
6 Nippon DEC has also teamed up with four software companies to develop its software reseller business .
7 The side has also welded together emotionally and some of the players who went to Argentina have a great future in the game .
8 The distribution of responsibilities between local , national , public and voluntary sectors has also become less rather than more clear , which reduces the possibilities of accountability .
9 And David Goldsmith has also sorted out the best buys in powder snow equipment , so you are prepared for the exhilaration .
10 The programme has also run exactly to schedule and within the £1.3 million budget .
11 The highways department has also ruled out police-style speed detector guns because of inaccuracy .
12 Apart from a ten year break to raise a family and one other short break , Jean has also worked continuously , mostly as a Spool Setter and then as a Colour Counter , calculating the percentage and number of colours used in each new design .
13 Mr Barnett has also described how the public school ethos that emerged in the latter half of the last century was suffused by a contempt for technology and ‘ trade ’ .
14 Foreign direct investment by manufacturers has also grown rapidly over the past decade as firms chased lower costs , moved closer to their markets and tried to dodge protectionist barriers .
15 This study has also shown there are significantly fewer EGF-positively staining endothelial cells in inflamed than in normal oesophageal mucosa , although the distribution of the EGF is similar in inflamed and normal mucosa .
16 With its RISC strategy taken care of by HP , Sequoia has also handed over future development of its Motorola Inc family to Samsung Electronics Co , this time in exchange for the Korean marketplace , which Sequoia will stay out of .
17 Although it is therefore clearly part of the maintained further education sector in Wales , the College has also developed very close working relationships with the nearby University College of Wales , Aberystwyth .
18 Twelve new pattern designs have been produced to support the new colours and to complete the look , Jarol has also brought out a range of nylon/lycra leggings to fit from three to 14-year olds .
19 The association had also identified very clearly in its submissions to the Labour Court that , whereas its long term aspirations were encapsulated in the original claim , the immediate requirement for our Bank Assistant members is for a real and reasonable increase in pay to meet the urgent needs of today .
20 A committee at the Ministry of Labour had also worked out with industrialists methods of shifting the hours of work to avoid the winter peak times , and this load spreading helped a lot to contain industrial peak demand at these crucial times .
21 That position was occupied by the French ( whose vote had also risen steeply ) with nine seats , followed by the West Germans with eight and the Italians with seven .
22 By creating a few developmental teams covering comparatively large areas , Nottinghamshire had also departed radically from the National Development Group for the Mentally Handicapped ( 1977 ) model of a CMHT .
23 However , if the rattle slips down so far that it is no longer visible , the infant will at once lose interest and behave as if the rattle had also slipped out of existence .
24 Coal reserves have also expanded worldwide , with Britain 's contribution expected to last several hundred years .
25 British Waterways have also topped up stocks in the same watercourse below Thwaites Mill .
26 Battells have also pointed out that they very often receive separate orders from the same areas and it is suggested that to save on carriage etc .
27 State and local parties have also become significantly less important as campaign organizations for Congressional elections .
28 There is a Bertone version on the cards and it 's believed both Pininfarina and ItalDesign have also put forward proposals .
29 Middlesbrough 's Beechwood and Easterside Social Club have also stepped in to help by staging a gala night , and the local Robin Hood Hotel will boost funds with a snooker tournament .
30 The Kennel Club have also drawn up a code of ethics covering the sale of dogs in an attempt to control the so-called ‘ puppy farmers ’ who produce hundreds of animals purely for profit , and they offer a Canine Code , freely available to owners .
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