Example sentences of "[noun] have not [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Avnet Inc 's proposed acquisition of Hall-Mark Electronics Corp has not gone down to well with Standard & Poor 's Corp , which said it may cut the distributors $100m of A-plus-rated subordinated debt .
2 Research into classroom interaction has not focused directly on children 's explanations .
3 Where God has spoken and spoken clearly , rationality comes into its own ; where God has not spoken , or for his own reasons has not spoken clearly , there is the area of mystery .
4 As a student of these matters , surely the hon. Gentleman recognises that in , for example , the past five years , the peak age for offending for a young male has not gone down but gone up .
5 Certainly Ferguson has not given up the ghost of trying to land the Championship .
6 ‘ How are things at 6 Commando area , Piper ? ’ he enquired , ‘ The attack by the Black Watch has not gone too well judging by the number of wounded passing through here ! ’
7 And progress has n't stopped even yet .
8 This change has not happened overnight .
9 Our intimacy has not proceeded so far .
10 The Galway International winner has n't given up hope of bidding yet again for one of the few big Irish rallies to elude him but describes his chances of being on the start line on Good Friday as ‘ remote ’ .
11 This geezer has n't got much in the way of skills , but he 's fairly popular with the fans .
12 ‘ Mr Newman has n't come here to upset you , ’ she said gently .
13 A major balance of payments deficit when the economy is in deep recession has not occurred before in this country .
14 A major balance of payments deficit when the economy is in deep recession has not occurred before in this country .
15 And the racism has n't gone away , it 's just better hidden . ’
16 Gary has n't got round to watching it
17 Day 22 ) The part has not arrived yet .
18 McKeown has not given up on the north 's hope for next year 's Classic , who was found to have a temperature after finishing last in the Somerville Tattersall Stakes .
19 but the fur has n't grown back ,
20 Branfoot said : ‘ Matt has not come back with an answer but we are still in the early stages of negotiation . ’
21 The culture of Physics has not changed greatly in recent years .
22 But Mr Kelly has not given up hope .
23 Sorry , the ghost has n't come over from the other side of the door , it just keeps moving by itself .
24 Which Roger has n't seen yet
25 Here , it is quite simply that the religion has not lived up to the expectations of its followers , that is , it has provided for them none of the benefits that they were led to expect when they were first introduced to it .
26 And to lead the horse we need to go somewhere ; perhaps around the house , across the lawn , over the concrete path , under the clothesline with flapping socks , past the dogs , and in to an environment of strange things the horse has not seen before .
27 Our Brigade has n't got dramatically larger , nothing dramatic has changed .
28 Berti Vogts is acutely aware of how close that match was in Sweden and he knows his side has not come here to take on the equivalent of a San Marino . ’
29 But the Tunisian opposition has not fared well , either .
30 You 're always looking for a four on a par-5 , but at that stage you 'd take it as long as your main opposition has n't gone away .
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