Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] be to " in BNC.

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1 Graham Turner 's future has also been to the fore recently but for different reasons .
2 We was in this railway station and Marie had just been to the dentist .
3 The Chairman of Orkney Island Council Social Work Committee , Councillor Mairhi Trickett denied that any members of her department had ever been to any courses or seminars on the subject of ritual or satanic abuse .
4 Little Gino , whose ambition had always been to be taller than four foot ten , had got a little too interested when it was his turn and even in the candlelight we could all see that he 'd deliberately got his charm bracelet tangled in one of Sorrel 's suspenders .
5 Mrs Ditchburn had just been to her local shops at Cotteslow to buy her great-grandson a birthday card when she was set upon .
6 Jane had never been to the aerodrome before — not actually past the guardroom and through the gates — and she had n't known what to expect that night .
7 Maggie had never been to the St Andrew 's Halls , and was looking forward to it .
8 Maggie had never been to the big barn before , the one that had looked so imposing from the air .
9 Q My 3-year-old mongrel has just been to the vet to have his teeth cleaned , as a checkup revealed that he had dental problems .
10 For contaminated groundwater , the standard process has generally been to pump-and-treat the water on-site , with subsequent recharging to the aquifer or disposal to a sewer .
11 The Shah had repeatedly been to American during the last thirty years. ; he had been welcomed with full honours as not only an important chief of state by also a vital ally by every single president since Harry Truman .
12 I understand that my right hon. Friend has just been to Oman , so perhaps he can give the House some information .
13 His wife had invariably been to lambing and , sometimes , calving courses .
14 Very few writers had actually been to the world outside Europe .
15 Fran had only been to the luxurious floating restaurant a couple of times , but knew from experience that the food was excellent and very expensive .
16 Joseph had subsequently been to the villa on the Cap and talked about a show in New York .
17 Jumble sales are my passion , and I was amazed to hear that my friend had never been to one .
18 Members of the BSS UK have recently been to Belgium to select another importation of 60 sheep ; all are ordered for pedigree flocks in Britain .
19 Victim Sue Howat joked : ‘ And before you ask , No , Mr Mellor has never been to my flat . ’
20 From start to finish quality control has always been to the fore at Guinness Dublin where the company has had its own laboratories for over a century .
21 Sorge had never been to Langley before .
22 She had hoped to talk to him , to suggest that he ring Maureen , who knew quite well that her niece had never been to Venice before .
23 The manager had often been to Holborn , and drunk her father 's wine .
24 ‘ My style has always been to be analytical , ’ says the man who gained a double first in maths at King 's College , Cambridge .
25 It was the most marvellous party Constance had ever been to .
26 International Motaung has already been to Hillsborough and Bramall Lane and will have trials with West Ham and Millwall .
27 I do n't think any MP has ever been to the monetary system to ask for a couple of million pounds , actually .
28 He came in with the ideas , give the drivers and conductors everything they asked for whereby my training had always been to only give them what they were really entitled to , not give them anything extra but he gave them the earth and that erm did n't sort of go very well for the new Manager who came in , he had a lot of undoing to do there , that this fella had given away , in his six or seven weeks there .
29 Robertson had once been to Stirling Polytechnic .
30 Detectives have already been to Scotland to talk to colleagues there … and they 're pooling information with officers from forces all over Britain .
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