Example sentences of "[noun] have [to-vb] to the " in BNC.

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1 The power lead from the transformer has to go to the keyboard first and a short lead from here connects to the PCB .
2 At the moment , under English law , data is not property , and damage or theft has to relate to the medium on which it is stored .
3 While the Sussex gentry who had gone to war for religion had to adjust to the need to maintain stability , many of the Puritan clergy could and would not .
4 It was in these circumstances that the LDDC had to go to the Treasury for more money in 1989/90 , and again in 1990/91 , and was very successful in getting what it wanted .
5 Carlie had to go to the foster home because she could n't get along with her stepfather .
6 ‘ I do n't see , ’ said Paul , ‘ why Erlend had to go to the houses .
7 As the autumn advanced , food began to be short even in the Po valley , for the farmers and the owners of the caseifici had to declare to the authorities what they were producing .
8 More habitual bankrupts have to apply to the court after five years and argue their case .
9 In the absence of some specification which states how long a product should last under normal use without manifesting defects ( whether or not due to normal wear and tear ) , the parties have to resort to the express or implied warranties of merchantable quality , or the express or implied rights of rejection .
10 NME ca n't claim to be the first off the blocks with coverage of this splenetic musical bastard — that honour has to go to the now sadly defunct Sounds .
11 The interest in question has to relate to the land or building covered by the application so that , for example , an application for a change of use for a third floor does not require notice to be served on anyone with an interest in any of the other floors .
12 Q. Does the Committee have to agree to the work to be done , and its priority ?
13 And the others do n't care either , only Hoomey , because of his Bones having to go to the knacker 's . ’
14 Some of his fans became involved in fighting and Bulloch had to return to the ring to appeal to them to stop .
15 Except in winter , when heavy snow sometimes delayed us and another engine had to come to the rescue , we generally arrived on time at Parma. just occasionally a tram car went off the rails ; perhaps Camera was overcome by the thrill of speed .
16 She continued to go at night for his fish and chips , and on return had to submit to the smelling of her breath .
17 Before setting off they have to be briefed by the Intelligence Section on their tasks for the day , and the patrol leader has to report to the Operations Room for a study of his route .
18 However , the Khmers Rouges opposed the Sihanouk-Hun Sen arrangement , arguing that the SOC had to agree to the UN plan in full .
19 Con had to go to the Magistrates Court this morning . ’
20 At the beginning of September 1942 , the German 6th Army under General Paulus had reached Stalingrad — a city whose capture would have had symbolic significance ; on 19 November a major Soviet counter-offensive had begun and led , within only a few weeks , to the encirclement of the 250,000 men of the 6th Army ; by Christmas 1942 the situation was as good as hopeless ; on 10 January , the last Russian assault commenced ; on 31 January Paulus — disobeying orders of the Führer that the troops had to fight to the last man — surrendered , and almost 90,000 survivors entered Soviet captivity , from whom only a small minority were to return .
21 A chance mention in a letter written in the 820s shows that one card in a Carolingian king 's hand was the existence of a " solemn custom " whereby any recipient of a benefice had to come to the palace in person and ritually " commend " himself to the king .
22 Before the opening of this new marina , yachts had to detour to the south to the Canaries .
23 In a sense , then , little had changed , as the managers had to resort to the old method of cajoling the workforce to extract maximum effort .
24 The Government 's business managers had to come to the rescue when it looked as though the Bill might be lost at Committee Stage .
25 At least two of the five he had brought back with him were in worse case than he ; and Adam , who had perhaps come off lightest in actual injuries , was by no means to be envied for that , for the same story Owen had to tell to the Prince , Adam was at this moment telling to Gilleis .
26 The kitten had to go to the vet three times in as many weeks and was more expensive than the baby .
27 Salmon have to find a safe way upstream past bears , and monkeys have to get to the fruit without waking the jaguars .
28 Therapy ? 's latest game is ‘ Whose Round Is It Anyway ? ’ in which contestants from the band and crew have to go to the bar and order a drink in the manner of a named personality .
29 God has to go to the rescue .
30 It comes about that the merchant has to go to the fair at Bruges on his business , and while he spends part of a day before departure in his counting-house reviewing his affairs the monk meets and converses with the wife .
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