Example sentences of "[noun] have [adv] been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But its uptake has not been popularly received in Britain .
2 Today the links between the Black and Irish communities are many , and the need for unity has never been more urgent .
3 Director Stephen Lee said : ‘ Charities are under enormous pressure to increase their services at a time when fundraising has never been so constrained .
4 No medical text has ever been so widely used by successive generations of medical students and doctors .
5 This fact , plus the ubiquitous veil of secrecy which covers military matters , has fuelled suspicion that the link has never been thoroughly broken and that plutonium produced in civil reactors has found its way into the military stockpiles .
6 Léonie is looking quite well , she declared : but her hair has not been properly brushed .
7 Removing unwanted hair has never been so simple .
8 No player , with the single exception of Ian Botham , is photographed or talked about more than Graham Gooch , whose story has just been reliably and thoroughly told by Ivo Tennant in a book boldly entitled Graham Gooch , The Biography ( £15.99 ) .
9 However , music chosen from a composer 's total output and specially arranged as a score for a three-act ballet with a story has rarely been completely successful .
10 The fact that the adventure story has always been very largely the province of male writers does not necessarily mean that the female characters in such fictions will be less ‘ real ’ than the heroes or villains .
11 Their story has never been properly told .
12 Caerulein induced pancreatitis represents a reproducible model suitable to study the effects of potentially ameliorating agents but the mechanism of the pancreatic damage has not been fully explained .
13 If it fails to achieve that then the decision has not been properly designed .
14 It has been said that no application from a major firm for a capacity increment has ever been flatly rejected , although some have been delayed .
15 With sea-room a prerequisite of safe ship handling , naval training and other deep-water seamanship has always been more concerned , therefore , with keeping clear of land than with approaching beaches .
16 Paradoxically , the Pentagon has never been as preoccupied as the State Department with the vagaries of General Noriega .
17 Joan , who supervised Highgrove and Princess Anne 's Gatcombe Park household laundry with her sister until their retirement , says : ‘ The Prince has always been very kind . ’
18 The effect of this change has not been as dramatic as had been feared .
19 In the last decade or so of his reign , approximately 100 mints functioned ( even if not all did so continuously ) : for the volume of the coinage they produced , only a " ball-park estimate " can be given — perhaps tens of millions of coins — but the quality of the coins has recently been very precisely determined : whereas before 864 many coins were debased by up to 50 per cent , after 864 a silver-content of well over 90 per cent was secured across the board .
20 What happened to McGonigal 's stick has never been satisfactorily established .
21 The posting has caused some concern among Nationalists and in Dublin , where , in the interests of building a good working relationship from the outset , the worry has not been publicly articulated .
22 A four-week pilot course in Cardiff has just been successfully completed .
23 Infected blood and blood products — HIV transmission via this route has now been virtually eliminated in developed countries through routine screening ( testing ) of donated blood .
24 In Europe the EEC has already been strongly influenced , inter alia , by German and Dutch experience in its attempts to devise a common statute for employee participation within European companies .
25 Chris explained : ‘ The length of this recession has n't been accurately predicted by anyone — for example , American economists were forecasting that the US would pull out of recession in 1992 , but here we are at the end of the year and nothing much has changed .
26 The recession has not been too unkind to HCIMA .
27 As Brian Richards says , the range of techniques for improving movement in cities has never been so great .
28 Frigidity has only been better exemplified to me by the first psychotic woman I ever saw , who complained that her vagina contained a block of ice .
29 The central administration of the Modular Course has always been keenly aware of the burden falling on Field Chairs .
30 I believe that it is , she thought , I truly believe that it is my mind , for Isabel has always been so firm , so clearly in control .
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