Example sentences of "[noun] have [verb] me [art] " in BNC.

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1 After about a year I gave in to the pull and discovered that fatherhood has made me a much more serious person .
2 A seminarist has brought me a blanket off his own bed .
3 It would be a misuse of powers for a judge to say : ‘ I know Parliament has given me a discretion to vary orders in contempt appeals and make just ones , but I 'm never going to use them .
4 The noise has given me a head . ’
5 The experience has taught me a lot , not least about Margaret Thatcher 's single achievement in changing the class contours of British politics .
6 Rugby has given me a life , it 's given me everything .
7 ‘ This Budget has given me no confidence to spend whatsoever , ’ Mr Ingram said .
8 ‘ I am older than the king ; and grief has made me a man . ’
9 My fear has made me a prisoner in my own home ; I go out only for essential shopping .
10 Finally this study has given me a good idea of what life has been for people living in the past in America , where as before , I would n't have had a clue and it 's also taught me that no matter how many times you read a book , you 'll always find new links and connections .
11 In a way , I was thinking , Gharr had done me a favour .
12 A Corporal had given me a coathanger and a broom and showed me the Foreign Legion 's way of unblocking a difficult lavatory bowl ; it involved unbending the coathanger , jamming it down the U-bend , and working it vigorously backwards and forwards .
13 Fortunately Pat had lent me a few things so at least I was clean .
14 Malpass had told me a few more bits of the story ; not enough to know what was really going on but just enough to make me feel uncomfortable .
15 At this juncture , I realized that I had driven close to the point where the boat had landed me the previous evening .
16 Jean 's bought me a tin of biscuits and a tin of of tin of biscuits so there 's ample biscuits .
17 ‘ My detective work has found me a sister , David .
18 Jane has told me a lot about you , ’ she said .
19 Listening to those criticisms has taught me a salutary and humbling lesson .
20 ‘ My parents had given me a little electric keyboard for my fourth birthday , and I quickly learnt to play the tunes in the manual .
21 The seating plan had given me no view at all of my now-giggling pals , but the great bonus of being next to Patricia Hutchinson , and opposite the Principal , who is most gracious , and does n't miss a trick .
22 One lady had sent me a poem called ‘ Wait for Me ’ by a Russian poet , Konstantin Simonov .
23 My parents have given me an allowance for the next few weeks .
24 Four years with a handicapped child have taught me a lot of things , but three in particular :
25 Expressing his pleasure at working with TAG , said , ‘ My experience over the last 20 years has given me the scientific and technical background which the modern catering industry requires .
26 The group has given me a better insight into the similarities and differences between S Grade physics and biology .
27 ‘ There 's nothing else to hang about for now that your friend at UFA has given me a new face .
28 Berenice has given me a possible lead to her elusive husband . ’
29 Fred has given me no good reason for wanting us to break up our marriage like this . ’
30 Robson , who will contact Kenny Dalglish today for an update on Barnes , said : ‘ Kenny has phoned me a couple of times and has told me that Barnes has done some training this week .
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