Example sentences of "[noun] in [Wh det] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The computer holds the microprograms in what is normally referred to as a control store .
2 Namibia continues to kill these animals in what is still variously called a harvest or a cull .
3 The so-called ‘ one-door approach ’ has many attractions in what is fast becoming an over-crowded arena and a strategic , national approach to export promotion is to be welcomed .
4 The ‘ electors ’ , usually prominent citizens , then vote according to the public mandate in what is essentially a rubber stamping process .
5 ‘ Once you accept outside Palestinians , you validate the concept of their right of return to their former homes in what is now Israel , ’ a Likud source said .
6 They still hoped in 1980 that the Palestinian issue — the demands of Palestinians who lost their homes in what is now Israel — could be dealt with as part of a general Arab–Israeli peace settlement , that the whole two and a half million Palestinian diaspora could be given a lump-sum , once-and-for-all payment of compensation .
7 It shows how difficult it remains to make a cricket-related living in what is still the smallest populated Test country .
8 This may represent an anomaly in what is otherwise an efficient market .
9 The Byzantines confined it , for a period , to an area of the Black Sea coast in what is now Bulgaria .
10 But there is no guarantee that the quality of the worship and music in that parish will provide adequate formation in what is arguably the most crucial area of the ministry of the clergy .
11 Opposite the clock , angels and bishops stare moodily down from the Holy Trinity Column in what is now the middle of Red Army Square .
12 ‘ One has long made a habit of beheading his wife at intervals in what is now my study : the other , a lady named Madam Sharpe , drops rings and other small objects into a china basin in my dressing room … .
13 Today whole family groups Produce basketwork at home in what is very much a cottage industry .
14 The evidence for the intensive use of sorghum and millets some 8,000 years ago indicates that such use first occurred much earlier than previously thought , and took place in what is today a rainless desert .
15 France was to be a turning point in what is rightly called a ‘ miracle year ’ .
16 This evening after dinner you might wish to take the train ( 20 minutes ) in to Amsterdam for an exhilarating evening in what is undoubtedly Europe 's most surprising city .
17 Thus Mendel 's paper on the inherited characteristics of peas , published in an obscure journal in what is now part of Czechoslovakia , was uncited for many years , but the ideas contained within it are now an integral part of the genetics paradigm .
18 These comfortably compensated for the famine of new ideas in what is truly a diffusion line .
19 Once again , we can recognize a certain truth in what is otherwise a misleading conception of style .
20 This book is about that conflict of values , the efforts made in the last few years to come to terms with that conflict , and its implication for one of the major issues of our time — the reshaping of our farm policy , which , with the single aim of increased food production , has transformed the countryside over the last forty years in what is perhaps the greatest agricultural revolution since the settling of England began .
21 Finally , the strategies for change can be found in an analysis of what has gone before and a cultural intervention in what is socially happening to disabled people .
22 The Chancellor 's headquarters were then Queen Anne 's Throne Room in what is now the Cabinet Office , and the nearest route to it from 11 Downing Street lay through the connecting doors of number 10 .
23 If that suggests an odd set of priorities in what is still quaintly called a players ' game , at least the 21 wore the familiar red jersey with the famous crest , white shorts and blue and green socks .
24 It represents 125,000 officers in what is unfortunately only too truly the sharp end of policing .
25 But supposing a local authority in its local plan wanted to allocate land for development in what is currently open countryside .
26 Because the Metropolitan Police were objecting to reversed stairs which obstructed the driver 's vision to the left , 36–45 had Milnes ‘ Exhibition ’ staircases , which took a wide sweep in what is now known as the ‘ Normal ’ direction , i.e. the bottom step just behind the controller and the top step close to and at right angles to the bulkhead .
27 Ian Barker , who recently completed the course at Wigan College , said the course has given him both invaluable background and new direction in what is too often seen as the poor relation of the building industry .
28 Nor do I believe that anything is to be gained by analysing the reported cases in what is presently a contentious area of the law .
29 They come to us because the manufacturer or retailer wishes to take advantage of exposure in what is simply the best and biggest fishkeeping magazine in the UK .
30 The same can not be said for many thousands of Palestinian houses in what is now Israel .
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