Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun pl] where [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly government influence had a powerful impact , and could normally secure the return of favoured candidates in constituencies where there were significant government installations ( such as the postal service at Harwich , or the dockyards at Plymouth , Portsmouth and the Cinque Ports ) .
2 It will also enable tutors to visit community groups and to train tutors in areas where they are not presently available .
3 One solution is a clause which says that the question of categorising disputes in contracts where there are two different modes of dispute resolution is itself to be referred to the expert for final decision .
4 In this presentation , Jeremy Rivers reviews the traditional use of computers in enterprises where they have tended to be used for large weekly or monthly batched jobs , such as stock control , invoicing or payroll .
5 Eventually the Scottish Typographical Association was founded on a lasting basis in 1853 , composed of branches in towns where there was a moderate degree of printing activity .
6 Cattle killing became the most common form of the crime in areas where there were no organized networks for stealing .
7 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
8 It 's not just health problems they suffer but many people can get really depressed living in houses where they have to keep washing the mould off the walls .
9 If , while we are praying for the Lord to do a new thing , we are failing to take action in areas where his intentions are perfectly clear and his resources for their implementation guaranteed , then he is unlikely to respond to our appeals to do more .
10 For this reason , if we keep a horse in conditions where it is continually bored and suffers lack of mental stimulation , the resulting anxiety may cause the horse to develop some very bad habits indeed .
11 Only 30% of secondary schools in areas where there was no regional policy had developed their own policy .
12 Through Alumni support staff based at Henley , the Network encourages the development of National Associations in countries where there are Henley students/members .
13 Through Alumni support staff based at Henley , the Network encourages the development of National Associations in countries where there are Henley students/ members .
14 The possibilities for disputes of the latter kind of course have increased since this study was done in the 1960s because of rising rates of divorce and remarriage , and we need up-to-date data on how people handle the range of claims of inheritance in families where there is a complex series of step-relationships .
15 Some executive search consultants are now becoming non-executive directors in businesses where there is no potential conflict .
16 But biblical writers use similar phrases in contexts where it is clear they are not speaking of the whole world as we understand it ( Genesis 41:56–57 ; Acts 2:5 ) .
17 4 What would be your ideas for our coming to some joint marketing plan in territories where our resources are greater than or equal to yours ?
18 Regions are also allowed to change the boundaries of protected areas , thereby allowing hunting in areas where it was previously banned .
19 Instead , Willis found that his lads were very well prepared for work in factories where they could use the same ‘ survival ’ techniques as they had learned at school .
20 Such cases may have been exceptional , but a great many servants seem to have passed their lives in households where their employers knew them by their functions , not their names .
21 It 's because they 're caught up in a system which keeps blacks in positions where they have to play only secondary roles to whites .
22 It has been suggested that stage migration is most likely to take place in countries where there is a significant network of small towns and villages , such as Chile , Brazil and Colombia .
23 Humour can provide passages of necessary relaxation in stories where it is otherwise inappropriate .
24 ( Obtain and use Calendula cerate or ointment in episiotomies where it is very soothing . )
25 UK students attend at Henley and other tutorial centres , overseas students are offered local workshops in countries where we have an Associate Institution .
26 It was important … for polytechnics to develop as viable alternatives to universities in areas where they overlapped , and not as pale reflections .
27 Before he became Home Secretary Morrison had argued that the best way for Jews to prevent anti-semitism was to ensure that they could not be blamed for social injustices in areas where they lived .
28 Physical geographers have also tended , with some exceptions in countries where there are a large number of lakes , to leave the study of lakes to the limnologists .
29 Now check for damp , ventilation , condensation and for cracks in walls where they join the main building .
30 In addition , peasant unrest in areas where there was significant private landholding had reached serious proportions by May .
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