Example sentences of "[noun] in [pron] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Macdonald clearly identifies the link between oedema , weeping and the flow of urine from the bladder in which the body frees itself from the water retained in the tissues causing the swelling which brings the patient to the doctor .
2 These are particularly useful contributions for understanding systems of expenditure on the arts in which the Church and the still appallingly understudied Genoese patriciate , rather than any central authority , took the pre-eminent roles .
3 He proclaimed a classic revival in the arts in which the work of art was to be judged as whole and not on the merits of its parts or in relation to its creator : ‘ … the work of art should be conceived as a pipe or a hat is conceived by the craftsman who produces it ; all parts should have a strictly determined place according to their function and importance .
4 A gasifier is a furnace in which the air supply is restricted to prevent complete combustion , hence its more descriptive tag ‘ gasification by partial combustion ’ .
5 The severity of damage ranged from small islets in which the surface remained completely denuded ( Fig 5C ) to areas in which the continuity of the surface epithelium was nearly complete ( Fig 5D ) .
6 Following a consumer deal in which the consumer bought a hot bottle direct from the manufacturer , the consumer may claim for damage to his bed after the bottle burst .
7 The Pen-Pal project is part of a teaching experiment in which the School of Modern Languages and the Department of Computer Science are taking part .
8 So we recommend a one-year experiment in which the Office of Fair Trading gathers typical APRs in the way we have suggested , and publishes the tabulated results monthly as a press release .
9 The pond in which the tadpole develops is only temporary , so it must complete its metamorphosis into a toad as quickly as possible .
10 Matthew Weinstein , at Sonnabend from 14 November to 19 December , makes abstractions aggressive , colourful , even violent in spirit , using enamels and glazes and flirting with notions of vulgarity in which the imagery of the tattoo parlour hearts , skulls , etc. sometimes peep through .
11 There are broadly speaking , two methods in which the design consultant is employed :
12 The L3 enter the mucosa of any part of the small or large intestine and in some species ( Oe. columbianum , Oe. radiatum , Oe. quadrispinulatum ) become enclosed in obvious nodules in which the moult to L4 takes place ( P1.III ) .
13 There was a photograph of the bedroom in which the bed appeared gargantuan , with a great carved wooden headboard and foot , neatly made , although somebody 's sunglasses had been left on the patchwork quilt .
14 The negotiation of the contractual terms of such relationships is all too often regarded as a contest in which the supplier attempts to exclude the maximum possible liability to the customer , and the customer to impose the maximum possible liability on the supplier ; the only rules are those imposed by the Unfair Contract Terms Act , and the contest is finally decided by the relative bargaining power of the two parties .
15 A love-struck swain , intent on sating his unrequited love , enters a beauty contest in which the target of his amour is also a contestant .
16 The plasmids used were either pH1°CAT , a construct in which the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase ( CAT ) gene was driven by the mouse histone H1° promoter containing H1° 5' flanking sequences and 5' untranslated region from -2800 to +252 , or pC110 .
17 The use of very quiet sustained chords on muted trombones has not yet , however , been done to death and is recommended as a luxury in which the orchestrator might very occasionally indulge .
18 Woman-centred therapy , for instance , tends , like orthodox psychotherapy , to use a regulated , male-identified structure of fixed-length sessions in which the exploration and resolution of conflicts is controlled in the last instance by the therapist .
19 A MAJOR financial institution in Britain has been the victim of a £50m computerised theft in which the money was sent around the world in electronic parcels .
20 Vagueness was resorted to by the judge in Jenkins v Reid in order to explain why a reformulation of a clause was unacceptable and in Gledhow Autoparts Ltd v Delaney [ 1965 ] 1 WLR 1366 Dankwerts LJ criticised the phrase " districts in which the traveller had operated " as being too vague especially as instructions given as to where he should work were purely oral .
21 By contrast , the argument runs , a nationally prescribed curriculum , rigidly dispensed to all , will be a force for dull uniformity in which the vitality and diversity of personal and social experience is homogenized .
22 An example , using a very simple model of the bonding in nickel(II) complexes in which the charge is calculated simply from the electronegativity difference between the central atom ( Ni ) and the attached ligand atom , is illustrated in Fig. 6.8 .
23 The purpose of this chapter is to describe the known exact solutions for colliding gravitational waves in which the polarization of the approaching waves is not aligned .
24 Whilst one may argue that it would be wrong to attribute ego-functions to animals in which the id/ego differentiation was difficult to justify because their behaviour was largely under instinctual , preprogrammed control , it is nevertheless true that some mammals — and in particular some higher primates — do seem to show a plasticity of behaviour and an elaboration of activity which clearly point to the beginnings , however primitive , of ego-functions proper .
25 Fortunately , there are animals in which the process is not only much simpler but can be observed directly .
26 The community charge was intended to be a simple and visible system of raising revenue in which the behaviour of profligate ( assumed to be Labour ) councils would be evident to the electorate .
27 There was , presumably , a sound evolutionary reason for the fact that no one had yet designed a lavatory in which the occupant faced away from the door , some relic of the time when primitive man was most at risk when at stool , but it did mean that the lavatory user was finely tuned to the approach of strangers .
28 In 1873 , after a case of murder in which the victim was a Rodi , the Assistant Government Agent at Nuvara Eliya commented that ‘ the victim was of the lowest caste , to which they [ the Sinhalese ] clearly believe that the principles of natural justice and law are not applicable . ’
29 A biology of hierarchy grounded in a metaphysically prior ‘ great chain of being ’ gave way to a biology of incommensurability in which the relationship of men to women , like that of apples to oranges , was not given as one of equality or inequality but rather as a difference whose meaning required interpretation and struggle .
30 The centre is also used by special needs groups such as young people from inner-city areas , handicapped groups and is part of a programme in which the Team works with young offenders .
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