Example sentences of "[noun] in [adv] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 What caused the accident remains a mystery , although a cut in on of the rear tyres was discovered over a week later , but according to Lotus is was impossible to be categoric as to the real cause .
2 Look , there was n't any sign in there of a scuffle of any kind ?
3 By using forward stepwise Cox regression analysis , age at operation , tonsillectomy , and radiographic size of adenoids and airway were not significantly related to the duration of glue ear in either of the surgery or no surgery groups .
4 There are photos in here of the kind that win awards , articles that you would want to read even if you did n't have to take your mind off the fact that you might , you know , at any moment …
5 There 's probably a list in there of the ones you 're supposed to give them to .
6 Visitors to the Heritage Plaza can enjoy a bird 's eye view of the facilities in on of the centre 's special ‘ armoured ’ cars .
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