Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun] both [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In a somewhat different sense , involving to some extent the balance of rights between generations , the natural environment of human life and more generally the ‘ quality of life ’ , has become a more prominent issue in relation both to economic development and to population growth , through the rapidly expanding activities of ecology movements .
2 The farmers are carrying on the work in defiance both of cantonal regulations and a supreme court injunction ordering them to stop .
3 I hope that all hon. Members accept that adult education is an amazing vehicle through which people can have more fulfilled lives in respect both of leisure and of their professional careers .
4 He shut his eyes — the better to concentrate upon the cramped flexing of his muscles ; upon that monotonous , peristaltic thrust upwards as of some gross mutant baby ascending a vertical birth canal in defiance both of gravity and of sane obstetrics .
5 For example , the first model would suggest some research into neuroendocrine mechanisms of hibernation in relation to depression ; the second to studies of changes in dominance both in animals and man ( that is , a person 's standing in his group of acquaintances ) .
6 To abstract oneself from them , means to abstract from … the fundamental characteristic of the ‘ new economics [ since ] the fundamental , decisive relationship of production is the relationship of the working class leadership in production both towards every stratum of the proletariat taken separately and towards the technical intelligentsia … it is possible and permissible to abstract yourself from whatever you like , but to abstract yourself from that which determines the content of an historical production model is something not permitted to the Marxist .
7 We shall start by confirming that sexual behaviour does indeed ensure that mates are of the correct species , and then see how well Darwin 's theory , modified and tested by recent work , can explain the full variety of sexual behaviour in animals both during courtship and , later , in parental care .
8 In contrast , in the USA the development of large-scale steel production both weakened the craft basis of unionism and correspondingly enhanced the power of individual firms in relation both to the unions and product market .
9 In the third place , you may recall that I escorted you to your room at half-past twelve ; but the college gates are locked at midnight , from which it follows that I would have had to rouse the duty porter in order both to be let out and to be let in again , something he will most certainly confirm I did not do .
10 There would be no difficulty in principle both in improving the theory tests and in extending both them and the practical tests so as to include , for example , score-reading and harmonization at the keyboard , aspects of the university courses in music which many students now find very difficult indeed .
11 ‘ UK businesses now have a great opportunity in markets both at home and abroad , thanks not just to pound 's depreciation but to their own efficiency gains , ’ said a spokesman .
12 The 18th century was a golden age in Wales both for patrons and artists .
13 This caused disquiet amongst Colonial officials and prompted Creech Jones , the Colonial Secretary in the later years of the Labour government , to circulate a memorandum to the Cabinet in early 1947 in which he said : ‘ I know full well how important it is that our overseas payments should be kept as low as they possibly can be , but I can not believe that this justifies a course which is contrary to our declared policy in regard both to Colonial and to commercial matters and contrary also to the policy which has long been pursued by the Labour Party . ’
14 Second , the 20 years from the mid-fifties provided a period of only marginal differences in programmes both from election to election and between the parties .
15 In this book , Leonie Archer looks at the effects of this in the Judaism of antiquity , where blood has a major significance in ritual both in the sacrifices in the Temple and in the shedding of blood in circumcision — the ‘ Covenant ’ between God and his people .
16 In the north , building design had much in common with northern Europe and primarily evolved from Lombard styles ; in central Italy , particularly Tuscany , coloured marbles were used as veneers in decoration both on the outside and inside of the buildings giving a colourful rather than plastic effect to the decoration .
17 I shall examine its status in relation both to Brooke-Rose 's own formulation of the ‘ grammar ’ of poetic metaphor and to several other current conceptions of the figure .
18 This still exists in a limited form in relation both to companies and to individuals , in that where a person is adjudged bankrupt or a company is wound up by the court , dispositions of property made by the debtor or the company after a prescribed date , usually the date of the presentation of the petition for a bankruptcy order or a winding up order , are void unless the court otherwise orders : sections 127 and 284 .
19 Iran had boycotted the pilgrimage for the third consecutive year in protest both over a quota system limiting the number of pilgrims ( to an estimated 1,500,000 ) and over the Saudi ban on political protests during the pilgrimage .
20 Charlie spend just over a year in hospitals both in England and the USA .
21 The disorders that prevail in prisons have deep roots in injustices both within the criminal justice system and more widely .
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