Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If it can , the scope of the remedy in damages is immensely wider than under pure municipal law , the modern legislation in which has generally eschewed the private action for damages as a means of enforcement .
2 Pre-scientific thinking in Europe is relatively well preserved in the writings of its poets .
3 Many roundabouts in Essex are traditionally known by whatever pub stands nearby , and some councillors were concerned that names would change whenever the pub changed hands .
4 If the actual money stock in t is accurately predicted by agents at the end of period t - 1 ( in symbols ) , the actual price level in t will equal the price level which was expected at the end of t - 1 since expectations regarding the future behaviour of the money stock have been accurately generated by the efficient use of the information available in .
5 The sediments filling caves or fissures in limestone are frequently repositories for fossil teeth .
6 The reason American tourists became a byword for vulgarity in Europe was that suddenly they were working-class Americans going abroad .
7 Slow but steady progress has been made and the more flexible arrangements for validation outlined in Partnership in Validation are now in operation in a number of establishments .
8 Partnership in Validation was immediately published , and institutions and the Council 's committees and boards were asked to submit comments by January 1976 .
9 Naturally the Koreans in Yenan were deeply influenced by Mao Tse-tung 's ideas for reorganising a party and for pursuing guerrilla warfare .
10 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
11 The local work force in Cumbernauld is very proud of the fact that it has exceeded the quality standards in OKI 's Japanese plants .
12 Reinforcement of the heavy bomber force in Egypt was still continuing during this period , and during the night of 14th/15th. four Wellingtons from the Reserve Flight , Stradishall ( Suffolk ) , and a Maryland , were despatched from England , approaching the Malta zone early in the morning .
13 While the flair derived from street football in Africa is richly prized adjusting to a Wiltshire training pitch in January is not straightforward .
14 The Manpower survey , based on information from about 2,000 firms throughout the UK , showed that manufacturers in Scotland were most optimistic about future job creation , helped by marked improvements in the electrical and electronic engineering sector .
15 ‘ So for institutions equity investment in hotels is perhaps a little too speculative . ’
16 The investment in proposals is naturally such that challenges inevitably produce defensive reactions .
17 We consider that investment in quality is as important as improving the working environment , which we 've obviously been er doing slowly over the last three years .
18 The argument that high taxes reduce the flow of private savings for investment in industry is only important if one believes that the ownership of industry should be in private hands .
19 Investment in industry was also scaled down to 10.2 per cent from a previously projected growth range of 12.8-18.4 per cent .
20 It has recently been pointed out that the level of investment in training is substantially above that usually quoted , but that this money is not spent in the most effective way .
21 THE COUNTRY 's on its knees and snotty kids in bin-liners are abroad in the cities .
22 Structural , cellular disorder and collapse in plants is usually a reflection of old age , bad growing conditions or inadequate feeding .
23 The group 's factory and offices in Coventry are currently being re-equipped and refitted to provide the necessary facilities for further growth in the sportswear and equipment market .
24 In the most widely reported incidents of this nature ( i ) a group calling itself " White Wolves " on July 4 claimed responsibility for a bomb attack outside the offices of Vrye Weekblad , a radical Afrikaans newspaper ; ( ii ) a bomb attack during the rush-hour on July 6 injured 27 people at a Johannesburg bus station much used by commuters from the townships ; and ( iii ) NP offices in Bloemfontein were extensively damaged on July 22 by a bomb , the latest in a series of attacks on NP offices .
25 To articulate a sense of loss in song is indeed difficult , but ‘ Song For Stephen ’ manages to do this without descending into mawkishness .
26 This involves a slight drop in picture quality , but the copying can be done as a part of the editing routine ( see page 82 ) and the loss in quality is then offset by improvements in presentation that editing inevitably brings .
27 This means that at any frequency , sound waves in water are nearly five times as long as they would be in air , and so provide poorer resolution .
28 It does this in an objective manner devoid of cant and emotion , in the belief that the case for the responsible use of animals in research is both valid and strong .
29 Do you think that er the use of animals in research is ever justified ?
30 Scotland 's defeat in Italy was certainly not unexpected — tonight , as we 've heard , Joe Jordan is being touted as the next Scotland manager .
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