Example sentences of "[noun] a good [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Lastly , is chemistry a good subject for a school child to think of going into ?
2 In passages which resonate with the spirit of Bagehot , ‘ a man of genius ’ , Dicey argues that the ‘ rule of a party can not be permanently identified with the authority of the nation or with the dictates of patriotism ’ and that ‘ while popular government may be under wise leadership a good machine for simply destroying existing evils , it may turn out a very poor instrument for the construction of new institutions or the realisation of new ideals ’ The limitations in practice of his belief in ‘ democracy tempered by snobbishness ’ are finally conceded :
3 It 's one I first came across in one of the handy little circular walk leaflets published by the National Parks and , though I generally like to devise my own routes , it 's a cracking walk and at ten miles of easy walking a good stroll for hot high summer day or days when low cloud and drizzle make high fell-walking a grey punishment .
4 And lastly , Dudley , is maths a good subject for a job ?
5 Soames , a doughty trencherman who always gives the Simpson 's beef trolley a good run for its money , should go down well with the farming community .
6 He felt he might even have given the captain a good run for his money if it had n't been for the damn man 's obvious advantage of height and weight .
7 The canopy is light enough to encourage underplanting too , making Young 's weeping birch a good choice for the smaller plot .
8 Is Versailles a good destination for a long weekend break — an interesting alternative to Paris ?
9 The Whigs had recovered somewhat by 1705 , giving the Tories a good run for their money , and they actually won the Election in 1708 , although this was to be the only General Election they were to win under Anne .
10 Are pavers a good choice for a drive ?
11 From a psychological point of view a good test for orderliness is the degree to which the unexpected does not happen , that expectations are fulfilled .
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