Example sentences of "[noun] a [noun] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 er which we stop for er we probably have a cup of tea a couple of times on the way down
2 I 've seen him outside of football a couple of times — but it just shows there are no friends in the game . ’
3 Sometimes it is awkward because with all the excitement you tend to go to the lavatory a number of times before the race , which leads to difficulty later on .
4 ‘ He had me on the edge of my seat a couple of times . ’
5 I 've tried it to my peril a couple of times , and it really does get quite embarrassing , so that 's a difference , and of course on the grey handset , there 's a pitch control underneath as well as a volume control , okay , so they 're a bit more modern , but I do n't like these actually , because you ca n't hug them as easily as the cream ones , they just do n't sit on your shoulder .
6 Saved my neck a couple of times , then bought it . ’
7 Now if you just press the return key a couple of times right , and have a lot of actual and fitted , if you go into option three in the data post depression menu you will notice that the fit of our model is very very different right , so we are now getting a very very good correspondence between actual and fitted , notice that in our original model the thing started to break down at about nineteen thirty , right , just by allowing the intercept to vary , right , over the wartime we 've now got a much better fit throughout the whole period why is that the case ?
8 He took us out in his boat a couple of times , and he offered to take us over to the Treshnish Isles , but the forecast was n't too good , so we never made it .
9 Chuck noticed that instead of drinking the usual cold tea like the others he surreptitiously raised a hip flask to his lips a couple of times when he thought he was unobserved .
10 But I also have one of the largest training regiments in my constituency , and I see that unit erm in action a couple of times a year if if no more .
11 Fiona glanced off to one side a couple of times .
12 MIDFIELDER Alan Pardew headed the clincher a minute from time to give Charlton two wins out of two .
13 The same thing , if somebody 's annoying you like that , ignore them like I said , I do n't mean I wo n't just let them sit there I 'll touch my brakes a couple of times perhaps do the old bit with the mirror and like I said , normally if they 're if they 're responsible drivers that have just happened , they got a bit close then maybe they 'll drop back as I 've done
14 He walked around the vehicle a couple of times , stretching his legs , stopping by the bonnet to squat down on his knees .
15 But also — ’ I flipped the keys a couple of times as I stood up — ‘ because I think he enjoyed doing it . ’
16 Then I went over to the vice-president 's mansion and played tennis at the naval observatory in Washington a bunch of times .
17 An Englishman in the 32ème Régiment Étranger d'Infanterie in French Guyana had refused to drink with the English , had spoken French , and considered the Mafia a waste of time .
18 my dad this morning he woke me up by pulling me up by the hair , bashing my face into the pillow a couple of times , I just looked at , then go , and I looked at him
19 Although it is usual for children to be asked to write out errors a number of times , this does n't often improve their spelling , because repetitive copying does not involve the use of visual memory .
20 He had gone out to the pub a couple of times with some old friends and was thinking of taking out a young woman he had met .
21 He must have asked Sharpe a score of times to dress in Dutch uniform , yet still the Rifleman appeared in his ancient , tattered green coat .
22 Even if he was , I ca n't see he could get that flush driving loads of irons and heaters up to Leeds and Scotland a couple of times a week .
23 Many consider this check a waste of time , but experience has shown that — provided you have studied effectively — the sub-conscious mind works on the problems after you have read them through .
24 I thought Martin Connelly might know , but I 've phoned his office and his home a couple of times and there 's never anyone there .
25 But in terms of comparison and competition the professionals who are responsible for one school 's management may now have to justify to governors and to parents a consumption of time which some people might think would be better spent on raising pupils ' performance in a limited field and in ways which are visible , competitive and market-orientated .
26 ‘ She also had short periods of respite care to give the parents a break from time to time .
27 I mean I think it 's , I mean I I have personally asked this question a number of times and pressed for everybody to be paid properly in inverted commas , I E monthly , but this is an assumption about a certain lifestyle and a certain way of budgeting which er I do n't think we have necessarily the right or , you know it 's not necessarily our
28 Answering the same question a number of times is a useful exercise in showing how improvements can be made in the way in which you present the facts to the examiner .
29 If he spoke to a girl a couple of times he would tend to look on her as a girlfriend .
30 Then there 's a lady over here who comes or used to come on a regular basis a couple of times a month she comes now a couple of times a year .
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