Example sentences of "[noun] and we [vb mod] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Right well thank you very much for your brevity and we will be able to send out team of experts out to deal with floods after lunch .
2 ‘ The top players will be staying at the Stour Country Club and we 'll be flying them to and fro by helicopter . ’
3 This time next week of course , Colin and I will be in Brescia , Andrew will be in this seat and we 'll be bringing you full commentary on that game between Notts and Brescia .
4 It was practically a twenty-four-hour programme and we 'd be out at night , reading the stars and familiarizing ourselves with them .
5 H how would you go to somebody like that and say well yeah we , we 'll be able to negotiate for you better in the future and we might be able to get more er be better conditions of service than you 've got now but as of now you 're gon na be paying this much more in contributions .
6 It resulted in the erm extra requirement for security which does happen to which Mr has referred and I I think it 's it 's very very important to realise that if that three party cooperation can be achieved as it should be , bearing in mind what Simon says that we are going to have to do this , with horrendous problems in the youth and community project in the future and we would be failing completely in our duty , not just to the people of Highfields , but to the people of this whole county if we simply allowed politics , as has been done in the past , to lead to entrenched positions and the idea of simply saying to the director , we are in a mess therefore will you please deal with it all is I think wildly irresponsible and I 'm very very surprised indeed that erm that point should be put .
7 ‘ There will be a swingometer operated by the barman and we 'll be up throughout the night . ’
8 Dr Alan McKinnon , the laboratory 's deputy head , said last night : ‘ We regret that there will be job losses and we shall be doing all we can to help those affected .
9 Dr Alan McKinnon , the laboratory 's deputy head , said last night : ‘ We regret that there will be job losses and we shall be doing all we can to help those affected .
10 Today I 'm joined by four people from Kuwait and we 'll be getting the Kuwaiti reaction to the war in the Gulf .
11 Tommy Cooper talking at length about when he ruled at the Den and we 'll be talking to about his Norwegian career and his arrival at the City ground .
12 Three point three has been rather involved er aspects of examining average teachers ' salary costs basically will fall down given that we 've had a sixty five percent return from schools and we will be able to use this year , coming year the actual mandatory points in determining how delegation of salaries should be proceeded with .
13 We , with the , you know , detente , and the collapse of the the U S S R and we 'll be saving a fortune now on , on armaments so surely that could be
14 Well that 's a , that 's a thing of that particular day , at that time th th and life erm and then they get what they call , they bought a steam hopper , so the steam hopper would say , could get to sea quicker in half the time the dumb hoppers could and so we were rotating all the time , there used to be one dumb hopper go to sea , one steam hopper and we 'd be loading the other dumb hopper and then th course the steam hopper would be back in half the time we 'd that and that 's how we rotate , day to day .
15 ‘ At last we are getting the reward for our hard work and we will be challenging for the world title ourselves in a couple of years , ’ he said .
16 We know that we will have further battles in the future to fight but erm we wanted to avoid any statutory commitment in the structure plan and we will be happy if we achieve that today .
17 I tend , Moderator , to Professor 's view that this complicates the issue and we 'd be better to deal with anti-semitism by itself first of all .
18 ‘ Fru Blicher is laying on a cold buffet for the audience and performers after the recital and we shall be introduced to the singer and his accompanist .
19 ‘ Our solicitor believes it is a binding contract and we will be pursuing the matter through the courts . ’
20 Maybe do a wheel alignment and we 'll be there .
21 As Hugh , Hugh is indicating that th that we have got a degree of expertise and we should be offering that expertise to clients .
22 Liability is contested in this case and we should be grateful if you would consider whether the injuries sustained by our client are consistent with his/her version of events .
23 The predictable result would have been an intensification of agriculture and we may be witnessing this in the drift of settlements ending on more fertile and productive soils and the changes in cereal crops being cultivated .
24 ‘ We 're well clear of the tide and we 'll be back on the mainland before the next one is due . ’
25 In future we will not be accepting any similar adverts and we 'll be donating the revenue from this advert to the RSPCA .
26 Remember that the NCT is about parenting and we 'd be delighted to hear from any fathers who 'd like to give us another viewpoint of parenthood ?
27 We are accountable to the public in many different ways , and we always have to keep an eye on the fact that the public are looking at what we are doing with our money and local politicians and the community 's representatives are always anxious to talk to us about what we are doing with that money and we must be prepared to answer any queries or any questions on our activities or those activities of people that we 're sponsoring .
28 I would like to hear from anyone who works in this field and we could be of mutual assistance .
29 Yorkshire managing director Clive Leach , who will be chief executive of the group , said : ‘ We are looking for substantial reductions and we will be ruthless in taking out any area that does not contribute . ’
30 Yorkshire managing director Clive Leach , who will head the new group , was more blunt , saying : ‘ We are looking for substantial cost reductions and we will be ruthless in taking out any area that does not contribute . ’
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