Example sentences of "[noun] and give [pers pn] a " in BNC.

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1 We 've got to go there tomorrow , so ’ — he took his hand from the wheel and gave her a quick pat — ‘ put your neb under your wing until after the holidays and see what transpires then . ’
2 The ensuing exchange over the months turned the whole cast of Balzac 's Comédie Humaine into Katherine 's familiars and gave her an awareness of greed and ambition , love and betrayal far beyond her years .
3 teachers see it as natural justice ( comparison with colleagues reduces isolation and gives them a yardstick ) ;
4 through my ears and gives me a headache
5 The computer asks you a question via a sound card and gives you a choice of options on screen , and you respond by pressing the relevant button .
6 The purpose of the Enterprise is to involve Third World countries in mining nodules and give them a share in the profits .
7 So he decided to add another fifteen knots to the approach speed and give it a go .
8 And we 're very grateful , you 've brought rural interest , you 've brought much wider interest , and you 've brought a great deal of warmth and compassion and interest and time , what more could we say , but to show a token of our appreciation and give you a few flowers to go with that .
9 Mrs Young , who had paused in her search , finally found her purse and gave me a dollar .
10 The clear , vivid patterns excite the zebra 's eyes and give it a sensation of strong identity , as if it were the member of a football team or a sports club with conspicuous striped shirts .
11 The woman at the door raised weary , gold-lidded eyes and gave her an anonymous welcoming smile .
12 I opened my eyes and gave him a puzzled look .
13 They take hold of the club and give it a few waggles .
14 She had been a regular person once , but that had been before the voices started up in her head , before the dead woman got out of her rocking chair , before the preacherman reached into her mind and gave it a sharp twist …
15 My father paid for my digs in Paddington and gave me a pound a week pocket money , together with what he called ‘ travelling expenses ’ for my regular visit home ( home and a good , square meal ) , and to spend some time with Clare who was fifteen and slowly , very slowly , improving .
16 His purchase of the Kemsley newspaper chain was a step in the overall process of press concentration and gave him a Fleet Street prize , The Sunday Times .
17 Clare takes conventional subjects and gives them a twist , physically and artistically .
18 ( 2 ) Allowing the appeal , that before making the prohibited steps orders the justices should have informed the parties of their intention and given them an opportunity to make submissions as to whether such orders were appropriate ; that the justices had had no jurisdiction to make an order prohibiting the parents from having contact with each other because such contact was not a step which could be taken by a parent in meeting his responsibility towards his child and thus was outside the terms of section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 ; that , on the evidence they accepted , the justices had been plainly wrong to refuse to make the interim care orders ; and that , accordingly , the court would substitute interim care orders relating to both children ( post , pp. 271B–D , H — 272A , F , H — 273A ) .
19 They spoke good Spanish : if they promised to interpret for me , I said , I 'd rent a car and give them a ride .
20 If you do not know what a tree or shrub is , exercise clemency and give it a year 's grace to demonstrate its worth before you turn it over to the axeman .
21 The British Museum agreed to get him a permit and to give him a grant , in return for any antiquities he might discover .
22 A 12-strong party of homeless men , who currently reside at the Fleetwood Hostel in Lancashire , were offered the chance to visit Sellafield to stimulate their interest in industry and give them a day out to remember .
23 Our range is unique in the contract industry and gives us a sales aid second to none .
24 I get hold of her shoulders and give her a good shake .
25 ‘ Just take these other duties off my shoulders and give me a day a week for the next year to attend a decent training course so that I can master it , and I 'm yours . ’
26 He shrugged his broad shoulders and gave her a warm smile .
27 They shared a commiserating smile , and Mick put his arm around her shoulders and gave her a friendly hug .
28 Suppose your neighbour 's tree grows into your garden , obscuring your light and giving you a harmful consumption externality .
29 We will concentrate on styling and giving them a different driving feel .
30 Now in the House of Lords , she has written her biography and given it a title which could well sum up her life , Fighting All The Way .
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