Example sentences of "[noun] and make [pers pn] more " in BNC.

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1 All these moves are aimed at beating the stress which can weaken new stock and make them more susceptible to the other little problems of a new tank .
2 The Centre acts in an entrepreneurial role to bring new resources into economic research and make it more productive and innovative .
3 Flysheet fabric : ripstop nylon with silicon elastomer coating which waterproofs both sides of the fabric and makes it more tear resistant .
4 Thus they emphasise the need ‘ to focus on personal changes that will enhance self-esteem , self-efficacy and confidence , and increase coping skills … and on environmental changes that will increase opportunities and make it more likely that later social circumstances will be beneficial ’ .
5 The excessive use of embargoes devalues the practice and makes it more difficult to ensure that the embargo is kept when it is really important .
6 The prevailing wind , the shape of nearby hills and many other things also have an effect and make it more advantageous thermally for the hills to point slightly to one side or the other of magnetic north .
7 In one way they should do something about people having second homes and make it more , that they get more tax out of them or something
8 As an absolute last resort , rather than manhandle a horse and make it more fearful , and so teach it to be always difficult in a similar situation , it is better to tranquillise the horse .
9 The authorities do not require other methods of recovery to be tested , and it is therefore not always possible to be sure whether using the aileron , for instance , will flatten the spin and make it more difficult to stop .
10 Does the press narrow popular conceptions of rape and make it more difficult for raped women to obtain justice ?
11 The Xerox team is not entirely sure why , but Dr Ziolo reckons that sodium ions from the resin are creeping into the crystal lattice and making it more permeable to light .
12 Will the Government please review the workings of the Act and make them more effective ?
13 ‘ It will give the market extra flexibility and make it more attractive .
14 ‘ It will give the market extra flexibility and make it more attractive .
15 I feel I should start by defining the question and making it more precise .
16 I also , er , we are also putting in for your community computing scheme , erm , realising that it will not only , if we get it , increase our own expertise and make us more efficient , which heaven knows , all organisations need to be , but will also be ab enable us to give advice to all the organisations we represent , and thus have an enormous ripple effect .
17 International copyright arrangements institutionalise peripherality and make it more expensive to obtain access to knowledge of all kinds .
18 Conservative privatisation was supposed to break up the big monopolies and make them more competitive and accountable to the public empty propaganda indeed .
19 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
20 He believed strongly in the psychology of home territory , which invariably put witnesses at their ease and made them more likely to remember little details they might otherwise forget or overlook in strange or foreign surroundings .
21 At precisely the time that the Party leadership was extolling the horse as a modern and fuel-saving means of transport , it was also planning to increase the journey-times of the rural population and make them more dependent on motor transport — or perhaps to shorten the time they had left to themselves , to sleep , think and so on .
22 This may confirm Joan 's fear of greed and make it more frightening for her to know about her own .
23 The decision in December 1989 to transform Noriega 's infamous Panamanian Defence Force ( FDP ) into a lightly armed Panamanian Public Force ( FPP ) under civilian control [ see also p. 37181 ] had been heavily criticized for leaving the government open to such paramilitary attacks and making it more dependent on the USA than before .
24 The health benefits and disciplines gained enhance the balance between our mind and body and make us more able to achieve our aims and to counter disease .
25 They thicken the curd , giving it extra body and making it more stable when spread into flan cases or flat , open plate pies .
26 Textured wall coverings , wood finishes , and towels in warm shades can soften the room and make it more user-friendly and less clinical .
27 I catch a bit of radio while I 'm changing cassettes just north of Perth and hear something called I 'll Sleep When I 'm Dead by Bon Jovi which is n't a patch on Uncle Warren 's song of the same name and makes me more than reasonably annoyed .
28 Those who can pay but refuse to do so muddy the waters and make it more difficult for local Labour councils to adopt and sustain humane collection policies .
29 Psychological and psychometric testing has clearly demonstrated that centrophenoxine stimulates tired elderly brains and makes them more alert , and the compound can prolong the lifespan of normal mice in laboratory tests .
30 It is important , therefore , to bear in mind the significance of the budget that Lloyd George introduced in 1909 to finance both social welfare reforms and increased government expenditure on other matters such as defence , by increasing taxation and making it more redistributive .
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