Example sentences of "[noun] and go [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The first three years of his Oxford course of studies would have included grammar , logic and rhetoric ( the trivium ) , after which the student had to attend formal sessions of dispute and argument before becoming a Bachelor of Arts and going on to the second part of the course , music , astronomy , geometry and arithmetic .
2 They climbed back into the jeep and went on along the rutted lane , lurching and splashing through deep puddles , the Brigadier worrying audibly all the way because ‘ things were n't as they should be . ’
3 Gordon sat quite still for a few seconds , then uncrossed his legs and went out of the room , a room in his own house , or rather his mother 's .
4 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
5 They watched the three girls pair off with their brothers and go off in different directions .
6 Turn left into Bleak Terrace and go back onto the Fell through the wicket gate to the village boundary wall .
7 He closed his eyes and went through in detail what he would like to do to the curly-haired tart .
8 I was into Prince , Parliament , Funkadelic , Tom Tom Club and going out to parties .
9 Slowly he rose from his seat and went over to the headmaster who stood twisting the piece of white chalk between his fingers .
10 Things were beginning to hum when I noticed Mrs Lewis get up from her seat and go over to Mary .
11 Having set off in great style from Salzburg in their own carriage , they were now so impecunious that they were obliged to sell it before the frontier and go on by postchaise .
12 It was as though he had read into her mind and gone out of his way to reassure her .
13 I think you need to go and do something else for a little while I said cos if you keep looking over thinking you ca n't do it , have a break and go back to it afterwards you just get really despondent
14 ‘ He 'll be delighted to have a break and go off for a pint .
15 She put the scarf back round her neck and went through to the shop .
16 After dutifully inspecting the destruction at the El Azziziya barracks , where the Libyan leader lived , at the port of Sidi Balal and at Tripoli airport , as well as the damage done to the French Embassy and to civilian homes adjoining the target areas , Coleman left the media pack clamouring for phone lines at the El Khebir hotel or doing ‘ stand-ups ’ on the roof and went off on his own .
17 Patrick took his tea and went up to the first floor , to the long landing window which looked over the village green .
18 ‘ Oh , I 'm well enough , ’ Mrs Clamp said , shaking her head and coming down off the stool , picking up some more frozen burgers and going back to the freezer .
19 Some might well be Balliol supporters and go along with the Earl for that reason .
20 Steve picked up his sandwich and went over to the television set where he sat eating it while he watched the news .
21 We all loaded into the Volvo and went down to Shellerton Manor where everyone trooped in to see Harry .
22 We dress up like bit-part players in an epic on Scott and go out into the night where the air bites clean and deep , and the snow crunches in that beautiful cold way .
23 Corbett nodded , smiled his thanks and went over to where Alexander now slouched in a half-drunken stupor .
24 The gossip is that she is thinking of resigning from the practice and going back to her home town .
25 Charles shuffled through his pockets for a two p piece and went down to the phone .
26 You hurriedly get out of your car and go round to the rear .
27 She grabbed her handbag and went through to the bathroom .
28 Either therefore insist upon believing in Pacifism as measured by the use of force and go out of politics , or define Pacifism as something emphasising the power of reason and stay in politics .
29 He arrives spot on time , is introduced in 15 words and goes off at high speed .
30 The sole exception was Mother-she liked riding in a boat and went out with her close friend Mrs Fawcett , who took her boys along , too .
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