Example sentences of "[noun] and she [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 He looks at Candice and she puckers her lips , perhaps ironically .
2 Her mind was floating over turquoise waves and she narrowed her eyes against an ocean that sparkled silver all the way to the horizon .
3 Anthony 's voice opened Julia 's eyes and she saw her sister-in-law standing in the doorway wearing a most remarkable dress .
4 The tears jumped into her eyes and she bent her head , hugging her arms to her breasts .
5 Tears rose in Caroline 's eyes and she turned her head blindly to the window .
6 He said nothing but Maggie saw the black brows rise in mockery and she reassessed her conclusions .
7 It was murmured throatily against the swell of her breasts , before his lips found the hard jut of her nipples and she dropped her head back with a gasp of pure delight .
8 He waved a languid hand ; the pale material of his sleeve caught the light and she turned her head fractionally toward it .
9 Charlotte said nothing , but her face lit up with pleasure and she bent her head over the baby so as not to show it .
10 Emily sat in her small room in the lodging house in Chapel Street working over the books and she rubbed her eyes tiredly .
11 They probably reminded her too closely of sounds of feline distress and she did her best to silence them .
12 A cold wind had picked up since she had arrived at the bar and she rubbed her arms quickly before picking her way through a sea of discarded newspaper to a metal drum and ducked down behind it , her eyes riveted on the door .
13 She was caught and held in a firm warm grasp and she turned her face into a broad comforting shoulder as the blackness descended .
14 She heard the voice again , over and over , calling her name , and then gradually she realised that it did n't come from the dream and she opened her eyes , staring breathless into the darkness .
15 All my money went to Greta and she changed her name to Ross .
16 Miss Jarman 's rasping voice cut through Jess 's picture of herself as a fairground tumbler and she repeated her story in a flat monotone , conscious of a depressing conviction that the more often she told it , the more tangled she was becoming in this battle that was all about other people 's money and injured pride .
17 She was good at hiding her emotions and she did her utmost to now avail herself of the talent .
18 Rachel had n't taken a lot of notice of the young SHO — she had been more interested in her own circle of friends at the time — but he had been a frequent visitor at the Stevenses ' home and she knew her parents had liked him and had been pleased at the prospect of him becoming their son-in-law .
19 ( This was why he had not been allowed up to seek out Miranda in her room — though she had managed on several occasions to sneak some of her new friends past the desk ; while at night , there was no porter and she had her own key to the wrought-iron and glass front door . )
20 Lucy 's hand moved through her hair and she clenched her teeth against the tantalising sensation .
21 He swung off the horse and stood in front of her , tired and dirty from travelling and all she heard was a sound like the crashing of waves on pebbles and she put her hands over her ears and swayed in pain at the roadside .
22 With a little grunt , he returned to his cooking and she regretted her abrupt refusal .
23 She could hear the beating of his heart and she closed her eyes , thankful for his presence for she could not bear to be alone , not now , not yet .
24 Her tears were wetting his shirt and she lifted her hand , wiping at her wet cheeks and smoothing the white shirt thoughtlessly , trying to make it dry .
25 She can be domineering at times and she wanted her own way , ’ he said .
26 Her gaze lost focus and she licked her lips in an unpleasantly reptilian way .
27 Lucinda accepted her mother 's need for a Bainbridge heir and she understood her feelings of guilt , too , even though no one ever blamed her for the accident .
28 Then everything came back in a wave of anguish and she ducked her head under the water and made herself hold her eyes open until they smarted with pain .
29 Her hands came up to press against her cheeks and she closed her eyes .
30 Her heart leapt with fright and she caught her lower lip between her teeth .
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