Example sentences of "[noun] and it [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 That 's the one for me because it 's so raunchy sounding and it 's got a real grit to it that I think is just fantastic .
2 Japanese , it 's a massive one , one er , it 's a thirty thousand gallon erm pond and it 's got , and it goes through a filter box and it 's four and a half tons of erm four and a half tons and that is a lot of
3 Look it 's got two legs and it 's got two plaits the same as me .
4 If the girl dies it will be murder and it 's happened in my area . ’
5 By by the third Summer I think it had outlived its usefulness and it had become much more like a a mini-goose fair .
6 It 's got hair , eyes , nose and mouth and it 's got a big yellow sun , has n't it , shining over and it 's the bestest picture you 've ever seen since you last went to the art gallery .
7 ‘ He had landed bang in the middle of the roof and it had caved in .
8 Schools run themselves some have left the authority , we still have three education sub committees a major education committee , numerous sub groups and working parties and it 's gone time we recognised the changing world and streamlined the members side of the education department in the same way that the officer side 's been streamlined and slimmed down .
9 When Uncle Vernon was a boy a Catholic had let off a firework in the path of the brewery dray-horse and it had lumbered sideways , the streamers of orange paper fluttering from its bridle rein and drifting to the kerb .
10 It is now 4 years since I gave my first remedy in an LM potency and it has become my preferred method of prescribing for a number of reasons 1 ) No decision has to be made on potency level i.e. whether 6 , 30 , 200 , etc is indicated .
11 Appalachian English is one of the surviving non-standard regional dialects of English in the United States and it 's associated with the residents of the Appalachian mountain range .
12 Well if they take as long to do it I mean good heavens there 's been one clanking manhole cover at Halam and it has taken them weeks to do it .
13 The Piggotts reached the final in 1979 at their second attempt and it has taken them 13 years to get as close again .
14 S er got one lone piece and it 's got a piece of wedge and it 's got another piece sticking up and something sticking out of that piece of branch or something sticking out of that .
15 is a vast neighbourhood and it 's got no outlet , where everything goes up and everything has to come back out again and all that goes along a small country road .
16 This had been quite difficult and the Gnomes had scratched their heads a good deal , because , although people did not openly refer to it , everyone knew that Flame 's father was Fael-Inis and it had meant a lot of worrisome discussions as to whether this fact ought to be openly acknowledged , or whether it might be discourteous to draw attention to it .
17 The Royal Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening ( Dorling Kindersley , 1992 , £29.95 , 0 86318 979 2 ) , a companion volume to the quarter-million-selling Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers , tries to be comprehensive for gardening techniques ; I have used it for all my practical enquiries for the last three months and it has let me down only once .
18 Three drawers down one side and it 's got it
19 There 's this big depot ship in the loch and it 's got a flotilla of submarines …
20 Quite wide steps and it 's designed as as a exhibition .
21 That ability has led us into the more specialized areas and it has demonstrated that success was not just getting through the traumas of the 70s and taking costs out of the business , but in finding different directions in which to take the business . ’
22 Well the er consumer appreciation outlined er again that 's divided into two areas and it 's based on the socioeconomic groups and the purchasing patterns of the members of the public .
23 Erm I 've got an information pack here which I 'll hand out at the end of the session and it 's got sort of four fairly erm useful leaflets in it .
24 Oh , so the head of the femur locks into this socket , this groove , this hollow and it 's held , what 's it held with ?
25 I ca n't , I just wan na sort of look out the window and it 's changed completely !
26 Soviet spokesmen could argue that although the USSR had for decades proselytised the notion of a national liberation or solidarity ‘ front ’ of Third World states , aligned at least politically to the Soviet bloc , it had not created regional groupings or coalitions of states militarily tied to the USSR or the Warsaw Pact and it had supported the opposition of the non-aligned states to military blocs .
27 And it 's found , it 's found most of your spelling errors and it 's counted the words for you .
28 Petiver also bequeathed his own collection to Sloane and it had taken him many years to bring all this material into an orderly array .
29 School spokeswoman Mary Thomas said : ‘ This is the first time we have staged My Fair Lady and it has proved a resounding success .
30 The site was gutted by a blaze in January and it 's believed animal rights protestors were involved .
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