Example sentences of "[noun] and i just [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 conjures up images and I just object to the fact that people impose on us , degrenality , I mean I , I think lesbian 's and gay men have got a right to their life style as we have and I do n't think we should be actually imposing and I think that 's what a lot of society and what people come out with does er more or less we do n't agree with that and its wrong and its objectional
2 This lady has suffered a lot of distress and I just do n't think courts are considering the victims when they are imposing sentences .
3 This lady has suffered a lot of distress and I just do n't think courts are considering the victims when they are imposing sentences .
4 I 've got a very down-to-earth attitude and I just tell visitors how to do it , without going into anything too technical .
5 you about erm well of course erm I 've got this diesel car and it 's exactly the same principle as a petrol engine and I just put petrol in it .
6 Understandably , whilst we are all concerned with crime we hear little of burglary and yet we have something like 60 new reported crimes a day the vast majority are burglaries and I just wish we could do more about those crimes .
7 I award Bridgemere my Gold Medal for environmental responsibility and I just hope other growers and private gardeners follow its lead .
8 Then some great fucking panty liner washes in and lands on my foot and I just get up and get on with it ’
9 Then some fucking great panty liner washes in and lands on my foot and I just get up and get back on with it . ’
10 ‘ They do all the performing and I just sit around watching them ! ’
11 I notice if someone gives me full cream like in cereal and I just think , I wo n't eat .
12 perhaps Charley 'll crack one day , while Maurice and I just carry on malingering .
13 ‘ He never told me that he was going to do a newspaper article and I just wonder where this leaves Jason and his legal advisers now as far as an appeal goes . ’
14 ‘ We were on the phone for an hour we had some pretty special memories and I just want to thank The Northern ‘ .
15 Doctors have given her more than a fighting chance and I just have that to cling to . ’
16 And what I 'm saying is that we make less cracker but with the advertising we 're doing doing at the moment , in the magazine and Yellow Pages and I just want to kind I 'm going to talk to you about what other ways of advertising .
17 Yes , is n't , those are for my mother 's day bouquets and I just stick them in and they just come out in the vase .
18 Absolutely right Mr Deputy Speaker and I just wish that members would n't raise these irrelevant points .
19 Oh it was funny with Alison when I first saw her on when she was still a terrible state she let it all out in a great scream and I just let her talk and talk and talk
20 But this day is something I 've dreamed of since I was a kid and I just want to enjoy it .
21 Did you notice I did refrain from discussing my hands and I just get on with the game !
22 ‘ I was so incensed I bought the hospital and I just have n't got around to firing — restaffing it .
23 Yeah , cos he covers Derby , he lives in Calverton , he comes through Nottingham to get to Derby , I live in Nottingham and I just do Nottingham , I 'm nearer to Derby than what he is , near as door bell , I think it 's the way they 've laid it out though
24 I get everything answered and so and so and you learn quite a lot and I just ask .
25 It was a duty and I just have to take this one down .
26 I 'm reading him the Greek myths at bedtime and I just hope when we get to Oedipus the penny will drop .
27 I mean Aunty Mary , well I do n't given up talking to her she 'd she says bus and I just let it go .
28 Yeah , one two three four , it 's gone on to , you know , it 's into April and I just wonder whether that was , that 's alright .
29 ‘ It 's a life-long ambition of mine to be a chauffeur and I just want to be given a chance . ’
30 Chris and I just make the most of each day . ’
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