Example sentences of "[noun] and i think [art] " in BNC.

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1 The pop Poet Laureate of the cabaret circuit , Hegley chooses subjects from McDonalds to the Gulf War , from spaniels to spectacles — taking on a whole range of everyday tragedies — ‘ the other day I met a bloke lying on the pavement he 'd just had a stroke and I thought a man in his position might appreciate a joke so I said stand back please I 'm a comedian ’
2 This is the leading edge of medical technology and therefore it has to be done at the proper pace within the ethical considerations and I think the team 's decision to pause and look at evaluation is the right one .
3 its true , their , their both , their both at fault and I think a bad tempered driver is every as bit as bad as a drunken driver .
4 Which would then expel the market traders and I think the i well the ploy was to try and get them into some of the er the vacant lots in within the Ellesmere centre .
5 And that 's how it started and it was really just you know we said we 'd do a bit of fund raising and I think the men were pretty sceptical of you know they thi they thought we might fight over the first tin of beans or whatever .
6 Well nobody 's mentioned the Queen and I think the Queen 's done an excellent job !
7 Well I think that Bruce Kent should call for a referendum on the issue and I think the Labour Party should come out in favour of that .
8 It seems to me that all of us in this chamber have at one time or another , wanted to actually spend money erm it comes programme of committees , I do n't think it 's behoved upon me at the moment to transgress on what programme committees are actually er but to predict exactly where they will want their expenditure to go but I do know is that there is a huge backlog of member generated aspirations in terms of the environmental improvements , traffic calming facilities , particulary which I suspect were actually generated mildly in excess of the figures which we have before us tonight which is why we clearly leave open that further bids against capital can be made in the course of the next three years , erm which will be assessed against the overall financial position of the council and I think the council much more than that .
9 They had the edge territorially , but we allowed for that in our gameplan and I think the moral victory was ours . ’
10 ‘ But I played well in Dubai and I think the course here is good for my game .
11 Long fingering of manuscript and I thought the fingering .
12 Chairman , there 's just one little point that I did speak to the Town Clerk and I think the Council should be aware of it .
13 The pop singer is interesting and er l er we 've got a record , i it could be The Best of Adam Faith and I think every track is practically worn out .
14 We have overhauled the plans in some of the companies , we 've considered changes that should be done to erm make them more , actually more cost effective for the employee , there 's an element of shifting the cost to the employee while still providing them with coverage and I think the other thing is that erm given the the redundancies that have gone on in Camco and other parts of the group and cost cutting generally , it 's very difficult at this stage to predict you have all sorts of things like actuarial assumptions erm cost inflation of medical costs .
15 The McLaggans were spoiling for a fight and I thought the lairds might have the mettle to retaliate . ’
16 in in my course of work , I have three grown up sons and I think an awful lot of what we 're talking about is in your own attitude to men , and generally the most difficult men to deal with , I find , are men who for whatever reason , are actually inadequate , a little bit sensitive to women being competent I I have no difficulty at all in dealing with that , but I I 'm aware that it seems significant to me that a lot of the younger women here are much more shall we say , sensitive to erm , what I perceive as being basically male chauvinism .
17 Well a variety of views and I think the only generalization I can make about weddings is that you ca n't generalize about weddings , some people think they 're wonderful , some people are sceptical , people have done their own er variations on weddings .
18 so they could n't get along the roads and I think the cof the probably the funeral was put off as long as they could put it off .
19 At the annual meeting , the annual meeting last year in the institute , it was obvious to me that one of the major concerns of people in this town was policing and police presence and I think the joint effort that we 've put forward , and I must mention as well since he 's , we 've worked very well together , the police liaison office has been running extremely well I feel , the number of calls have gone up since we started .
20 Him and his sister and I think a brother and two or three of them but Jimmy was of the roving type .
21 But as important as our joint interests are our shared values and I think a very good example of this is our common approach , er er , to the question of the Social Chapter for which the Labour opposition led , I may say , by two leading G M B spokesmen Jack and George the Labour opposition has fought long and hard for this in parliament , indeed , we have secured a vote on the question er , after the Queen 's ascent , and last month , I myself , as a guest of the Danish social democrats , took the argument to the continent in the Danish referendum , in the second Danish ref referendum , which I 'm very glad to say was won !
22 But i I did feel it was airing those possible scenarios to get a reaction and I think the forty minutes we 've had discussing that have been extremely valuable as far as we 're concerned .
23 I was sitting in the sitting-room about to make a cup of coffee when I heard a huge bang and I thought the whole house was going to cave in .
24 The bird has a piercing yellow eye and I think an older generation of wild-fowlers still refers to it as the golden-eye although that name , strictly speaking , belongs to an entirely different species .
25 I think erm you 've got to say that it is not easy to find people to give the commitment to local government work these days and I think a partial remuneration of the expense that they incur is a very reasonable thing for the public to have to meet .
26 The second point is on correspondence , I 'm absolutely certain that when a member of public writes in to any department , not necessarily highway , he expects and needs an immediate response , now I know you have , you have started the acknowledgement of our system , but I think it 's , it does n't go far enough , an acknowledgement card that simply says the thing is received and is receiving attention , needs to then indicate the individual to whom that matter has been passed for attention and that leads me to the third point and I think the general complaint on the public is that local government is seen as faceless people and I think we have to get in our mind to name people within our department , there 's not one mention about it in our promise , I think we need , unless I 've not read it , but I think , I think we , yes , but I think we need to mention people by name , senior people within the department who will respond to particular things and certainly where public comes into contact within the offices we must get around to wearing a name badge who says who that person is , people want to relate to a person and I think we can do that if we try .
27 But on the other hand , a soldier wants someone who he can talk to in complete confidence and I think the padre fulfils this sort of , if you like , avuncular , presence in the battalion .
28 " Well , the man 's gone by and Cowslip and I thought the flayrah ought not to lie about for long .
29 It seems to be made of exactly the same grade of rosewood as the fingerboard and I think a tighter , less coarse grain would have been more attractive .
30 Potentially we can improve and increase our business and I think the Single Market will help . ’
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