Example sentences of "[noun] and have [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 But , as other African countries have discovered , African insurance companies were too small to carry major risks and had to lay them off with foreign re-insurers .
2 Chatichai , who had previously removed three parties from his ruling coalition and had replaced them with two new members , had been under pressure for some time from the military and the media to carry out an extensive reshuffle in order to cleanse his government of allegedly corrupt elements .
3 He talked as if he never thought in words and had to invent them to describe the shapeless , bulky concepts in his mind as he went along .
4 Twice before she 'd had proposals of marriage and had rejected them because she could n't feel for the men they came from .
5 The decision arose from a claim lodged with the ECJ by a group of mainly Spanish-owned fishing companies , employing vessels registered as British , that amendments to the UK 1988 Merchant Shipping Act which excluded 95 of their vessels from British waters were illegal under EC law and had exposed them to financial ruin .
6 I have heard every horror story about the Tideway and have believed them all , fool that I am !
7 The collector 's descendants have now withdrawn the works from the museum and have entered them for sale at Villa Grisebach , Berlin , where they will be offered on 4 June .
8 Ruby had told of buying a pair of corsets and having to carry them along Church Street unwrapped .
9 Even when children care desperately for their elderly parents and have to put them in a home because of lack of personal resources , they are not always able to keep up regular contact because of moving to find employment .
10 Alexander was said to be the only mortal Bucephalus would ever respect and the only one who was successful in saddling and mounting him ; with all other men , Bucephalus had sensed their greed and weakness and had spurned them .
11 ‘ Though I have shown photographs throughout my exhibition organising career , I took it as a matter of course and have shown them as I have any other art form and along side any other art form whether it is painting or sculpture .
12 Keyhole cockpits are now almost universal but high density polyethylene is still unique to Prijon and has given them the edge in plastic white water kayak design .
13 Her husband 's letter had reached them as soon as they arrived in their summer resting place and had plunged them all into abject misery .
14 He often could not hear questions in the House of Commons and had to have them repeated to him by Margesson , his Chief Whip .
15 Tesco , on the other hand , had received good service from UK-based Merton and had used them again and again .
16 Although she had not been prepared for his barrage of questions and had answered them almost truculently , she had made Nicky think twice about her simply because she seemed more direct and independent than most of the girls he knew .
17 Souness , 39 , is training with his first-team squad every day and has warned them he will be as demonstrative as ever in the dug-out .
18 The industry concerned is the in-flight catering business which in the UK alone , produces many thousands of meals 24 hours a day every day and has to transport them at chill temperatures from the flight kitchens to individual aircraft , quite often with additional problems resulting from flight delays and so on .
19 Earlier , Chamorro had resisted pressure to dismiss Ortega after the army admitted on Jan. 2 that four of its officers had stolen 28 Soviet-made anti-aircraft missiles from army stockpiles in October and had shipped them to guerrillas in El Salvador .
20 The person who sits on the dais in Ottawa or Canberra and goes through the motions of opening a Parliament is not and can not be the same being at all as the person who does these things and has done them from time immemorial at Westminster .
21 The University of Ulster welcomes the ‘ AS ’ proposals as a means of broadening ‘ A ’ level studies and has incorporated them into its General Entry Requirements for admission to degree and DipHE courses .
22 The latest changes have taken children further and further away from the values of a good British education and have left them ill-equipped to cope in a real world where success or failure mattered , he said .
23 He and his colleagues were well aware of the more rapid progress in America , and there were regular transatlantic visits by headquarters engineers , but only when they were quite sure of new techniques and had discussed them thoroughly with the British manufacturers were they prepared to make a move .
24 At the November hearing , the taxpayer said he had written to the building society in May and August and had telephoned them in September but still did not have the required details .
25 Since she had been secretary to a bishop ( she learnt to type by trial and error ) , and also chauffeur to a bishop ( she learnt to drive by trial and error ) , she knew a lot of the clergy and their wives and had visited them all over the diocese , often in the black-out , and sat with the wives while the husbands talked to Bishop Owen , so she was good at remembering about them and their children and found the wives of the clergy to be fun .
26 Stitt added : ‘ We have two videos of it from the BBC and Sky and have shown them to professional people who think it 's a horrible tackle .
27 But Elizabeth read women 's magazines and had offered them quiche and Coronation Chicken and melon balls in wine glasses .
28 The seriousness of the revolt was evidenced by the fact that Soapy Simon , an arch-appeaser who wanted above everything to be liked , had become their spokesman and had let them cram into his room and sit it out ( with a break for dinner at the Savoy , of course ) until the PM gave his answer .
29 In response , Robert Gelbard , who ended his three-year term as US ambassador on July 5 , stated that Alcoreza was corrupt and that the whole naval contingent in Santa Ana was protecting the drug traffickers and had informed them of the raid .
30 Some cousin of Lilian 's two or three times removed had found them in Florence while there on her honeymoon and had had them shipped home .
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